14 year olds marketed as lesbians for music shekels

>futa is gay
Here we go again...

If you are not impregnating some hot under age booty you already lost. Jamal and Mohammed don't care about the age of consent. Step up if you don't want the white race to die out.


Attached: tatu.jpg (1280x960, 212K)

Not only Lgbt. They have a song dedicated to vibrators lol.

They might be degenerate but damn, I have a huge nostalgia boner for them.

Disgusting liberashka

It's pretty easy: you always picture your dick being between them

They were quite controvercial in Russia.
Basically zog controlled degeneracy-light.
Songs such as "gay boy", "I've gone crazy/mad/insane", and "simple movements" with music video showing animals fucking.
Not Weimar tier, but it all begins somewhere.

>i thought it was pretty fucked up at the time there were lesbians being shown on tv
Don't lie. You fapped.