>Maybe we should join these guys to help us with our goals then take them out
That's literally what end times prophecy in Islam says. Alliance with romans to fight a common enemy, once the enemy is defeated the romans want the "race traitors" who converted to islam so they can arrest them, muslims deny request and a war erupts between us. Until 1/3 of muslims die
Islam will cleanse the West
Shut up mutt. Christians did start this, learn real history. Stop pretending to be the victim while striking like a fucking Jew.
Islam teaches you to betray non-believers. I refuse to join such a faith; and because of it I am left no choice but to not trust any Muslims. Our common ground will never unite us because of the fundamental differences in the Islamic way to ours. I would expect nothing less than betrayal and subjugation of my people, and I will not allow that.
t.shia nigger
Number reason Jow Forums exist
freedom of speech
>durrr hurrrr, you're all really just like muslems
OP is a faggot, pic related.
So humans are all-mighty like god? Since when? Stop being a liar and stop following a liar.
>Islam teaches you to betray non-believers
Ironically it was always the non-Muslim who betrayed the Muslims and broke their treaties.
Shut up shitskin, I'm not even Shia. You're just clearly a low IQ Somali/Paki hybrid.
More miracles of the quran:
"So let man observe from what he was created. He was created from a fluid, ejected, Emerging from between the backbone and the ribs. Indeed, Allah, to return him, is Able."
"The Messenger of Allah (?) said: The man's water is thick and white, and the woman's water is thin and yellow. Whichever of them comes first, the child will resemble (that parent)."
How can you believe that this garbage is from god? You have been lied to, abdul.
I don't see how that refutes anything I said. As much as I hate degeneracy and want it gone; the Muslims would never leave us alone. There is too much deep-rooted hatred and adversity between them and the white christian world. It's the same with Nazis and the Jews.