Why do modern white women love to debase themselves?
Don't they realize that they're destroying the only value they'll ever have?
Why do modern white women love to debase themselves?
because of unregulated hypergamy
women arent financially dependent on men anymore so they only go for the top 20% of men
But user! Sex FeEls GoOd!!!111 As my friend would say...
How do we go about reregulating it??
because they are on a pedestal at the top of society. It's like rich old white guys who want to be humiliated and dominated
20% of them are too self absorbed and arrogant to care
the other 80% get brainwashed by the (((media))) and peer pressured by other whores into whoring it up
You guys need to swallow the wamun pill asap. This is the way it is.
Even under heavy religion, they cheat. It's not like Christians were never cucked!
Religion is a short glimpse in the human race timeline. They were whores before, they will be whores after.
Just fucking swallow that pill, more on, be happy with yourself alone, work on, I don't know, creating robot waifu.
Once they've lost all value on the market, replaced by sexbots, and only then things might change.
See, women will not settle with sexbots because they need drama. Bots won't create drama.
kill all the jews
and also you can't manipulate a bot with no emotion that is here to serve you. It's boring to women.
Pretty much what we are doing. Withdrawing from society, not offering them marriage, commitment, attention, love or affection. A few generations are going to be fucked and it's going to damage the white race, but there are already signs things are changing
You are aware there are more men than women on tinder
That doesn't mean much, I bet the women fuck a lot more. It's a sellers market
Feelsgood to be in the top 20%
>That doesn't mean much,
It actually means there are more degenerate men than women
>bet the women fuck a lot more. It's a sellers market
success is not what makes you a degenerate intent does
possibly. Most of those men are probably desperate. I'm not convinced a guy who is desperately hoping to get a date is more degenerate than a woman taking her pick from loads of men and fucking ever week, however much intent those men have
The value of a woman is not her twat but what she can shit out of it
Talk to women
>It actually means there are more degenerate men than women
There are more desperate men than women.
>there are already signs things are changing
Like what?
How is being desperate an excuse?
>hoping to get a date is more degenerate
why is he looking for sluts on tinder
Not me.
I love women :)
They're kind and they take care of their men.
They turn a house into a home and make it a place I want to be. Thank God for women, they're the best thing ever
No it doesn´t, you fucking Larper.
Chads hate these whores even more than we betas do.
Roasties only fuck around because the state bails them out when they fuck up
Allow the degenerate roasties to have abortions and have them remove themselves from the genepool
Stop giving single mothers gibs, don't force men to give half of their wealth on divorces, make sure child support only goes for the child and not for the roastie mom, don't give custody of the child to the mom in 90% of the cases...
Once women are no longer a protected class they will have no choice but to choose their mates more carefully
Yes it does.
But you don't even have to be a Chad. You just walk up to every group of girls in a bar and say something like "hey ladies looking good" And just walk away.
>1 post by this ID
Browncel is changing up the posts after he's been caught
plenty of career women roasties
the fact that modern fathers allow it is 100% the problem
get rid of no fault divorce and remove all birth control options, including abortions, and women will have no choice but to be more careful about who they mate with
Thats a start but you need to get their fathers to stop allowing them to have a boyfriend and demand they save themselves for marriage
>women arent financially dependent on men anymore
yes they are, it's just that they voted for other men to safely extract it for them so they don't have to look in the eye the men they rob.
Most women pck the biggest losers.
That sounds creepy as fuck
For every woman on Tinder there's at least on man (probably more). Stop blaming women and recognize that this is the fault of Western men for creating this degenerate society in the first place.
This and when we start killing the families of government shitters who enable this they are going to think it is because we hate their freedoms
remember that posters who want to discuss tinder/pof/okcupid and other flesh farms but open with the premise that only white women are doing this are demoralization shills
don't just take my word for it, go on any such site, look for the non-white girls (bonus whitepill: message them and see how eagerly they respond. Now consider that white girls are KNOWN for being much more fussy on dating apps.) Don't let kikes like OP gaslight you
>women don’t have agency or free will goy, it’s all your fault, don’t blame the ones who are being degenerate
does anyone have that "hey ladies looking good" talking to everyone autism comic from pols recommendations on talking to women?
Yupppp men fuck around just as much as women
They are suppose to be under the authority of their father
Alsi how is this a women problem when men are just as degenerate
Dating an average slob feels to a woman what dating a BBW would feel like to you.
It’s worth it to a woman to risk getting used by Chad for the tiny chance of him sticking around.
>Men who go on Tinder aren't degenerate but women are.
Brainlet. Men created Tinder and every other degenerate aspect of our society. It's degenerate men that drove the sexual revolution and degenerate men who perpetuate hookup culture now.
Based. Women arent people. Blaming them for their actions is like blaming your lawnmower for not starting because YOU didnt clean the carburetor.
When will you incels understand this?
>destroying the only value they'll ever have
Value to who? Incels or trad con boomers?
Most people aren't trying to live their live in accordance to what's more valuable to some other group of people. Casual sex has it's issues, but don't start acting like a sour incel when you can't talk to a girl, then blames it on everyone else.
You faggots act like there aren't normal dating sites out there, even ones specific to trad con boomers. You just gotta lower your standards, becuase all the hot roasties you actually wanna fuck aren't going for guys like you, they never did and never will.
Fucking based
As a guy who benefits tremendously from the sexual revolution, it truly was a mistake.
God I wish I wasn't in a relationship when tinder blew up... Now I'm married and never got to effortlessly fuck around...
I would trade it to be married with 2 Aryan kids in a heartbeat
What's with all the tattoos and piercings? Bleh. It's like leftover meat
Hell yeah we're gonna start making babies in August or September
>men used to run the patriarchy
>men then liberated women turning then into whores for the benefit of men, who previously"ruled" women
Feminism, ladies and gentlemen.
THOTs know their time is short and their window closes much faster than men's.
incel losers out
this is a board for men not loser little boys
just think of all the crabs you didn't get
I'm white, blonde and blue eyed
Go fuck yourself schizo
Arthoes are degenerate scum
Dunno, don't care. I'm an absolute degenerate and these apps are fish in a barrel.
>95% fake profiles in matches
I’m enjoying being right at 20% line
It’s fun. I get a different sloot to pick from every week they come over and I get them to do whatever I want.
Enjoying it since being single again for now. Lol at incels
Nah this aint Sweden where you guys pretend to be little girls for Muhammed, Sven.
>gets this mad
yup he knows he's wrong
God bless user
can i make a account and change the location to like USA?
Yes. You can also use fake pictures and get matches so you can live vicariously as a chad like:
Wrong about what, Sweden?
Yeah but you gotta give them shekels, fuck that.
nah id use my pics so im verified right?
nobody knows me there either way.
Based Chad
Your an idiot npc. I would kill for a women I am physically and spiritually attracted too. The girls on tinder are total retards who can’t even hold a decent conversation. I was on for two days before I deleted it and got lot of match’s, but none of them put any effort into a conversation or they ghost you.
Not a fake profile. Lol just cause you can't get any doesn't mean nobody is
Tinder doesn't verify. You create a fake facebook profile, upload pictures/fake info and use those to make the account. That's why over 50% of the accounts on Tinder (and 100% of the matches for the posters in this thread) are fake or bots.
Because hard cums.
oh okay nevermind, i will do the same thing with badoo then since it verifies pics and i think its possible to change location too.
What happened this time? Did you see a white girl in denim shorts or something?
Married bro, but I used Tinder in the past and it is absolutely nothing to be proud of. It's a way to have terrible meaningless sex with slags that you can never marry or be in a relationship with because you know they fucked 20+ guys on Tinder. I met my wife at university like a normal well-adjusted person.
find a husband
it's not natural for women to sleep around and not their own idea. they have a feeling of loss every time they sleep with a stranger but they stay quiet because of their innate passivity, then they project the sense of loss on a future partner and possibly end up filing a fake rape report or divorce rape him, with sheer hatred for him and men in general.
I don’t know what tinder you’re using but I’ve seen all races of thots on tinder.
I know that's what I said in my 2nd post
white women are by far the worst because of their higher value. black women are the most down to earth (they're still crazy though) because they know they can't get away with much. white women talk in a voice like their father with 20 IQ points removed and totally drunk, black women talk like (dumb) human beings.
you know what i dont complain much about it, i know its there and this is how i get my chick of the month but im not gonna wife a tinder hoe. I'll go to a museum and find them there. tinder hoes are just to keep the pheromones up
You get the rope too
thats probably because you werent interesting m8. have you thought about being more exciting maybe?
>dancing for women
fuck off slut
Go back to r/ihavesex.
That's what incels don't get. It's men that are driving this degeneracy and hypergamy. Women are biologically conditioned to look for a partner to bear children with. They prefer long-term relationships. It's the men who fuck around without settling down who are the problem. Women naturally seek alpha males, but if those alpha males chose to settle with one woman and stick with her, other women would start looking for mates down the chain. This is how it used to work when people would get married before sex.
im not dancing for women, more like dancing with them. i mean they dont deserve the right to vote but they sure know how to be degenerates. i dont get the women hate here honestly.
Yeah I’m sure if I told them I make over 100,000 a year I would become very interesting.
Wrong. Europeans have strong pair-bonds. Only under jewish brainwashing have our women acted this way.
like every other woman on earth. some dont care about money tho, when you move to a small town you start to realize its not who or rather what you are. its how you express yourself. i live comfortably for a 23 yr old. and im no introvert so talking to women is easy for me
There's no such thing as strong women, only weak men
You get it. Tacticus describes the German culture:
>Tacitus further discusses the role of women in chapters 7 and 8, mentioning that they often accompany the men to battle and offer encouragement. He says that the men are often highly motivated to fight for the women because of an extreme fear of losing them to captivity. Tacitus says (chapter 18) that the Germans are mainly content with one wife, except for a few political marriages, and specifically and explicitly compares this practice favorably to other barbarian cultures, perhaps since monogamy was a shared value between Roman and Germanic cultures. He also records (chapter 19) that adultery is very rare, and that an adulterous woman is shunned afterward by the community regardless of her beauty. In chapter 45, Tacitus mentions that the tribe to the north of the Germans, the Sitones, "resemble [the Suevi Scandinavians] in all respects but one - woman is the ruling sex."[
Wrong. DNA has revealed that we all come from a massive harem where top chads impregnated then all
Women like sex. Tinder let's women be sluts and wave their asses in thousands of faces, while algorithms make sure only Chad ends up in her queue. If men could get on tinder and take their pick of the top 20% of women based on looking good they'd probably be just as slutty. It isn't good but it isn't mysterious, women can fuck men who are way better looking than themselves if they just look sexy and slutty in a few pics.
Well then stop being a whoremonger and you might find a woman
The guys that benefit from the sexual revolution are those of us who want to get married and now have almost no competition
No retard, because the search cost is extremely high now to find good women.
(((DNA))) has revealed.
If you are not a degenerate its not hard to find good women
Unironically kill yourself
Oh I got the clap once so I wasn't totally in the clear
Yes. They don't see hope in the future so mentally/spiritually most are checked out. Physically they are still operational, some appear normal. its like the distance/time between something happening and noticing it. Eventually logos pathos and ethos coincide and they must choose their fate.