You are aware there are more men than women on tinder
Why do modern white women love to debase themselves?
That doesn't mean much, I bet the women fuck a lot more. It's a sellers market
Feelsgood to be in the top 20%
>That doesn't mean much,
It actually means there are more degenerate men than women
>bet the women fuck a lot more. It's a sellers market
success is not what makes you a degenerate intent does
possibly. Most of those men are probably desperate. I'm not convinced a guy who is desperately hoping to get a date is more degenerate than a woman taking her pick from loads of men and fucking ever week, however much intent those men have
The value of a woman is not her twat but what she can shit out of it
Talk to women
>It actually means there are more degenerate men than women
There are more desperate men than women.
>there are already signs things are changing
Like what?
How is being desperate an excuse?
>hoping to get a date is more degenerate
why is he looking for sluts on tinder