If the West is so amazing, why do whites flood 3rd world countries and refuse to leave?

If the West is so amazing, why do whites flood 3rd world countries and refuse to leave?

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It's the other way around you retarded nigger.

>things that never happen since 1900
Oogah boogah niggerbeast need gibs else chimp out oogah boogah boogah, white man gib now.

OP is a nigger

>South Africa
>Saying white people want refugees
Lurk more

Attached: gq7nw6.jpg (1195x1105, 337K)

I've found that most people in the west grew up in privileges which makes them less motivated to work toward their goals. Think about it, the absurd ways fashion industries goes to make a buck. Most of the thing are covered by well fare and stuff so they are backed up for life. So they start doing things that can make em happy and fulfilled. So they start travelling around and stuff. Kinda sad if you ask me.

fpbp. just goes to show all kikes are braindead.

Niggers came to south africa after the whites, dumb nigger

Then why all my neighbours white?

This is a lie