Continued from >>217663242

Continued from The question: Do white people and Hispanics get along in America irl? Or do you hate each other for real?

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Kill yourself.

We get along mostly.

Why did you make another one

Mexicans are the worst class of Hispanic.
White people are unbearable.
Everyone hates blacks.

everybody hates each other. if we had a christian and muslim alliance maybe we could force some changes in our jewish society

Yeah we get along, we crack racist jokes together during construction work

Based Jew or Asian

It's like muslims. I never really cared about them until the Jews started flooding them in and ruining the country. So now the Jews have caused whites to look at hispanics like they might look at niggers (who the Jews also brought in).

We need a solution to this dilemma. Many are race blind and its hurting the greater majority. Others are admittedly in hatred with eachother, coupled with the looming threat of the Reconquista, another thread was a good call.

Attached: Aztlan's_goal_map.png (1907x1623, 171K)