Im getting baptised in a couple months

Religion doesn't save you, Yeshua does

An exorcism? It's something priests and families do to those who have mental illness but don't enough IQ points to take them to a hospital.

That is a local variation. In Poland the Church is anti-immigration.

God bless user

Yeah just an older ritual, still valid

Just get baptised in a river. You're saved by faith, not works or steps by an institution.
>t. from an Orthodox country

Its not. They don't do anything but traumatize the mentally handicapped.

I questioned whether to get confirmed, but my mother convinced me I would burn in hell if I didn't, so I went ahead with it.

I guess. as I have heard from Americans though they take the popes word very seriously. ive been to Polish masses here but I couldn't tell you what was going on.

> Joining catholics.

When they basically kiss Muhammed's ass.