"A full time job should pay a living wage!"

Why are leftists this stupid? An employee at McDonalds or any low paying job working 40 or more hours does NOT deserve a living wage as they add 0 value to society.

They should go to college or learn a trade if they want a job that pays a living wage.

-Joe Smith
Posted from iPhone through Jow Forums app.

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This won't work unless we have a homogeneous white society with a statist border and a strong sense of a national identity

Until then it's basically a doggydog world out there with the rootless transnational satanic pedo elite watching over us and laughing at us plebians

Honestly, fast food workers add more value to society than most STEM graduates because they serve me food whenever I give them a few bucks.

t. Person of Wealth

I’ve heard working at a McD’s in Europe is better in some aspects.

>Everyone should go to college because everyone is unique and should show the true potential they have

McDonald's in Australia is pretty expensive because of our minimum wage laws.
I don't care because it's shit food and I only eat it if I'm driving long distance/desperate.
The only people that should be working at macca's should be low wage teenagers and living wage managers.

You’re wrong OP, the food doesn’t serve itself and the customer service is the value added

Anyway, what’s your favourite burger from McDonalds?

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

if a job doesn't pay enough to live on, then that job shouldn't exist.

If your business relies on paying almost nothing, your business is shit

Any man working full time should be able to afford roof over head, a wife, and some children. If we cannot offer that to our people then we are failing.

>McDonald's in Australia is pretty expensive because of our minimum wage laws.
it's almost the same prices.
Paying double wages and having like, 15% more?

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when did a summer job in high school and in college turn into a 30 year career?

>customer service
Austrailia, I....

people don't realize that the stagnant minimum wage, which was literally created as a living wage, is subsidized by the government aka your taxes through food stamps and welfare.

when you needed 3-5 years experience for an entry level job

>customer service
oh i am LAFFIN, boi

Why should any job that pays less than a living wage continue to exist? If people can't live off of it, it should just wither away on its own.

This. The day of the pitchfork can't come soon enough.

Food doesn’t serve itself

Friendly conversation doesn’t create itself

When you have a problem with your order, they help you out and compensate you

OPs claim that they add no value is wrong

Thanks for posting

The problem is shit like factory jobs and low level health care services are now minimum wage jobs despite grueling conditions and insane hours.
Fuck employers and fuck boomers.

Definitely this. I work for a large coffee chain and I would rather have a mid 20s person with experience and wants to work full time than some fucking teenager.


Normies don't understand irony. Kikes don't either.

When we started letting in hordes of 3rd worlders and they spawned more children than we did.

When boomers sold off good jobs overseas for maximum profits and created a shitty (((service economy))).

Fast food jobs are for teenagers and people too stupid to be independent. They're not meant to be able to live on. I worked at Burger King when I was 16... got a job working in the dark room of a hospital by the time I was 17 and moved on to developing a career by the time I was 19. That BK job was the only "minimum wage" gig I've ever had. Anyone who expects to be able to live on minimum wage is a moron.

Do you know the expression 'putting the cart before the horse'?

You almost can't find a decent fabrication job unless you network like hell and have massive experience to back you up. Even then, no unions and probably still shit pay.

it adds value to McDonalds. the question is what that labor is worth, considering the demand for that labor, and the supply of that labor.

>Friendly conversation
>When you have a problem with your order, they help you out and compensate you
None of that happens and even if it did I'd rather just order at a kiosk and have a bot make the food perfect every time. I implore people to keep bitching about the wage because it will just piss off corps enough to make it happen even faster.

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if everyone is a programmer and a plumber then how is that any different? If you gonna work 40 hours a week, you deserve a living wage regardless of what it is. If someone doesn't wash toilets, who will do it, you? Or will you be living the way poos live in India?

What really needs to happen is to lower the cost of living.

Actually they should get violent

But I agree with you they don't actively contribute enough to control the means of production. They are lumpen proles. Their jobs can only exist within the confines of a specific capitalist model and are wholly useless in the grand scheme of things.

A wagie is no more a proletariat than a rape victim. You can be a victim without being working class.

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Why not try it in one state and if life improves instead of collapsing then implement it nationally? I’d rather the McJews pay for Shaniqas’ life than my taxes.

OP is doing a boomber bit and majority of the posts don't even recognize it.

Jow Forums really fell into the hands of boomers after 2016 lmao.

>wtf is society

op i retarded, fast food workers add quite a bit of value to society

Unless you want more hordes of immigrants and illegals working these jobs eventually you will have to pay these people more. There will always be people at the bottom who still need a roof and food to eat, and if they're already working 40 hours and actually showing up why shouldn't they be paid a living wage? Our population is aging and those jobs can no longer be filled with teenagers especially during school hours.



I wouldn't want to work at Mcdonalds even if it paid $50/hour. Seems like hell on Earth. Never understood how people can work that type of shit tier job year after year and not try to improve their lot in life.

you're fucking stupid as all shit OP. there's now way you actually believe this. get raped by an oncoming van. FAGGOT

pretty sure no one wants to be a janitor or even a plumber fixing your toilet or hvac climbing in your shit filled attic or a roofer.. but someone has to do it or else you'll be living like niggers in africa

What kind of idiot works for minimum wage? There's plenty of jobs that don't require a college education that pay $15+ an hour. Only an absolute moron works full time for minimum wage.

>does NOT deserve a living wage
very obvious troll.
>They should go to college
holy fucking trolllolololol

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>a doggydog world

North America is a service based nation where most workers work serving the public. This is what globalism has created. Until we can fix that everyone who works deserves a living wage.

>>McChicken sause
Fucker you mean mayonnaise?

Big businesses will pay you the lowest possible wage they can. It's not a function of what they are ABLE to pay you. Without minimum wage laws or unions that means you would be paid in pennies. Meanwhile, the cost of living and inflation is always increasing.
Your use of the word "deserve" is interesting. How do you conclude how much someone "deserves" to get paid? Does a CEO deserve to make 200x more than an average worker? Does he do 200x more work, or provide 200x more competency?

They add value to society. People eat at fast food joints. This is a stupid point to make. The point that I think should be made is the level of skill required to complete that labor to serve people who want fast food. Any one of us could work at McDonald's right now going in off the street. But none of us could, say, be very good at practicing law without prior education. This is why they get paid minimum wage.