"A full time job should pay a living wage!"

What kind of idiot works for minimum wage? There's plenty of jobs that don't require a college education that pay $15+ an hour. Only an absolute moron works full time for minimum wage.

>does NOT deserve a living wage
very obvious troll.
>They should go to college
holy fucking trolllolololol

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>a doggydog world

North America is a service based nation where most workers work serving the public. This is what globalism has created. Until we can fix that everyone who works deserves a living wage.

>>McChicken sause
Fucker you mean mayonnaise?

Big businesses will pay you the lowest possible wage they can. It's not a function of what they are ABLE to pay you. Without minimum wage laws or unions that means you would be paid in pennies. Meanwhile, the cost of living and inflation is always increasing.
Your use of the word "deserve" is interesting. How do you conclude how much someone "deserves" to get paid? Does a CEO deserve to make 200x more than an average worker? Does he do 200x more work, or provide 200x more competency?

They add value to society. People eat at fast food joints. This is a stupid point to make. The point that I think should be made is the level of skill required to complete that labor to serve people who want fast food. Any one of us could work at McDonald's right now going in off the street. But none of us could, say, be very good at practicing law without prior education. This is why they get paid minimum wage.