Is the Irish Republican Army still a thing?
They had big publicity when I was a kid but I think after 9/11 the romances of terrorism died out
Is the Irish Republican Army still a thing?
They had big publicity when I was a kid but I think after 9/11 the romances of terrorism died out
Yes I'm in it we are going to the pub on sunday
You should go after Anglo bankers and start resisting Clown World degeneracy.
Y’all have a wonderful evening
They based and redpilled against the eternal anglo
Ireland has some of the proudest people of European decent. Irish are successful, musical and funny. You guys should promote a strong Nationalism and traditionalism to show the world how to resist Globohomogenization and the Psychopathic Globalist Elite.
Do your own research about them instead of asking a Mongolian throat-singing board
Why don’t you IRA boys do any operations anymore!
Also you had some based movies about you in the 80’s &. 90’s
aren't they socialists? you potato luggers deserved to colonized.
because the Irish are lazy
Yup, the Muslims ruined terrorism for everybody else. They took things too far and turned everybody else off of it. Now being a cuck is romantic.
There's IRA in Newfoundland. They are banned from the touristy pubs
god faggot plastic shamrocks like you are so cringe
>(((anglo))) from (((london))) descended from the spanish refugees resettled in dutchland
Pretty much just a drug gang now.
even more pathetic than the west, Ireland is full of blacks and muzzies already in their capital, hell even their pm is a pajeet, IRA was only good at fighting other white people, all this shitshow only to end up replaced too, sometimes I laugh at how ridiculous the death of the most violent race on earth was so peacefully
t. Nigger
The good friday agreement was signed in 1997.
Show flag coward. The IRA has gone nowhere. We're just chllin. Come to Dublin and plant your fucking Union Jack see how that goes.
who gives a fuck about a union jack, you are already beign colonized by south americans and africans, in Dublin itself you find more nigger children than irish, your fight was for NOTHING, the brits will die too, but they will take more time than you
Show flag pussy. Until then, opinion discarded.
hurts huh?
>I'm in it
lmao, all the struggle for religion and independence to arrive in the 2010's and have your people willingly replaced, religions thrown to the garbage and ignored, its okay lad, I know how it feels, but yeah, everything we ever did in this god forsaken continent was for nothing at the end, just enjoy the rest of the ride
is very good indeed
But not for gays like you
You should blow up some abortion clinics or EU buildings in Minecraft
>Anglo bankers
Not much of a thing anymore
Come on, show your flag. Everyone will assume Israel if you don't.
say the country with a gay pajeet as PM, must have been worth all those troubles
anglos are still in charge along with kikes. Nothing against common brits, or wasps, but the anglo upper class is almost worse than jews just in terms of being coldhearted, nepotistic, and immoral fucks.
I'm from the UK. Are you a simpleton?
oh yeah
If I lived in Dublin would I have a UK flag? Yikes, retard.
I knew that from your first reply mate, I get you were shitposting so I hop in, doesn't change the fact that Irish focus so much on the union and end up cucked by foreigners at the end lmao
Because the IRA are all nogs now
Cause they accidentally killed a lesbian journalist in April and the media freaked out
Don't know. But a Irish man moved into town and started a welding business. Used to get along really well with him. He was a bit strange in some ways. He knew a absolute fuck load about explosives. Would never tell anyone his last name And wouldn't let anyone take a photo of him. He died a few years ago when the real-estate guys put his house on the market the found a arsenal of prohibited guns. I think the IRA just went underground.