say the country with a gay pajeet as PM, must have been worth all those troubles
Is the Irish Republican Army still a thing?
anglos are still in charge along with kikes. Nothing against common brits, or wasps, but the anglo upper class is almost worse than jews just in terms of being coldhearted, nepotistic, and immoral fucks.
I'm from the UK. Are you a simpleton?
oh yeah
If I lived in Dublin would I have a UK flag? Yikes, retard.
I knew that from your first reply mate, I get you were shitposting so I hop in, doesn't change the fact that Irish focus so much on the union and end up cucked by foreigners at the end lmao
Because the IRA are all nogs now
Cause they accidentally killed a lesbian journalist in April and the media freaked out
Don't know. But a Irish man moved into town and started a welding business. Used to get along really well with him. He was a bit strange in some ways. He knew a absolute fuck load about explosives. Would never tell anyone his last name And wouldn't let anyone take a photo of him. He died a few years ago when the real-estate guys put his house on the market the found a arsenal of prohibited guns. I think the IRA just went underground.