Steve O DM'd a 17 year old girl
Steve O DM'd a 17 year old girl
>17 years old
fuck off roastie
>inb4 404
Old news.
Age of consent is 16 in most states
where did she say she was 17?
Her profile. She uploaded a photo of her saying she just turned 17.
I'm aware. Good for him. Getting prime pussy
Nudes below 18 are still illegal though
Why is the person who hacked him talking like some faggot shitskin nigger? Am I supposed to be on his side?
Apparently it was pic related. As he was the only one newly followed by Steve o. Though I was in the original thread, it was a jap flag OP. Easily could have been a vpn
Who cares that's basically legal most straight men have fucked a 17 year old
If you're not attracted to a 17yo girl you're a faggot. The only people who think that's "pedophilia" are california legistrators.
16-17 is prime untapped pussy. Feels good man
Could be a setup too
That's what many speculated. A fall guy. Too bad OP never released anymore DM screenshots or archives
omg he was a fucking pedophile. Disgusting!
Imagine getting so mad at someone for fucking 17 yo. Are normies really that brainwashed to think 17yo are braindead kids that dont know what sex is so its the same like raping a fucking toddler? And that they are not able to consent only to one year later at 18yo magically getting intelligence to know something like sex exists? When you all were 17 you were of course all angel kids untouched by porn and knowledge of something like sex ye?
not illegal
doesnt steveo have a fiance though
that's the end? so nothing happened lol.
OP got v&
Isn't steve-o a triple citizen?
british, American and canadian
Considering he stopped communicating after he asked her age, im pretty sure he didn't do anything.
this aint a scandal. if anything it shows how he is ethical.
Oh shit, I think you're right. That means it's impossible for him to have sex with anyone other than his fiance.
Nigger-tier sarcasm. Go back to r3ddit, faggot.
The absolute state of Hispanic “”””””people””””””
>Are normies really that brainwashed to think 17yo are braindead kids that dont know what sex is so its the same like raping a fucking toddler?
17? That's practically a toddler!!!!
I fucked a 17yo at 23 AMA
You anons know how the saying goes. If there's grass on the field, play ball.
How many holes have you fucked that were no more than 1 year younger than you?
Only one. My first gf. I was 18 and she was 17. So I guess I fucked two 17 year olds
I was 20 with a 17 year old & with a 20 year old when I was 20. Got head from a mid 20's girl when I was 21
>Total stranger:Wanna fuck
>17yo:Ye "les" fuck
Imagine being her parents. Sad.
I dated the 17yo for almost a year before my ruinous behavior made me cut all ties. I still think about her often. She's my one got away
I killed a opossum in front of her and made her cry. She was such a caring soul
That hits close. Although the 17 girl I dated ended up lying to me about something I asked her early in the relationship. I made her cry when I told her it's over. Walked away and never felt better. I do miss her time from time, mostly for the good pussy.