Steve O DM'd a 17 year old girl

How many holes have you fucked that were no more than 1 year younger than you?

Only one. My first gf. I was 18 and she was 17. So I guess I fucked two 17 year olds

I was 20 with a 17 year old & with a 20 year old when I was 20. Got head from a mid 20's girl when I was 21

>Total stranger:Wanna fuck
>17yo:Ye "les" fuck
Imagine being her parents. Sad.

I dated the 17yo for almost a year before my ruinous behavior made me cut all ties. I still think about her often. She's my one got away

I killed a opossum in front of her and made her cry. She was such a caring soul

That hits close. Although the 17 girl I dated ended up lying to me about something I asked her early in the relationship. I made her cry when I told her it's over. Walked away and never felt better. I do miss her time from time, mostly for the good pussy.