Check your privilege Jow Forums

Do this short test to calculate how much better you are than everyone Jow Forums

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stop making shitty threads uk fucknugget and go pray to allahs cock.


Post the link then faggot

tfw more privileged than 88% of others

Attached: 2iazjuv.png (320x276, 293K)

nigger faggot

>no link

It's written right there.

>Do this short test
No link, OP is faggot and retarded.

Too late, internet has a attention span of a knat.

Better luck next time making a thread!

>be really fucking poor
>You are more privileged than 94% of others.

Attached: braaap trucker.png (315x451, 347K)

Blind boomer burgers cant see small writing and get mega butt mad at the idea of being more well off than a starving nig in Africa I guess.

got the same,pretty poor but work very hard for the little I have. do liberals actually believe this nonsense or is there some sort of motive of this faggotry

You said nig, I'm sorry, but the constabulary will be at your domicile shortly. Please follow the laws set by parliament. It is truly for your own good. Honest! For queen and country.

Idk, but being pushed around like this, while barely make a living working hard, makes me want to go postal..propably made by rich kids, who have no connection to the normal world.

I'm somehow more privileged then 90% of people and I live in a fucking shack.

Attached: Canadian Pepe3.jpg (1870x1869, 730K)

Let me guess, you are straight, white male? You won the lottery of life you cant complain ...apparently.

>I live in a fucking shack.

My score is 5

This is how you get a score of 100%

Everything is slid to the left including being born in the UK obviously, and Devout Christian is slid to the right.

So there you have have it, get saved by Christ and life is 100% Good.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-02 Intersectionality Score Calculator.png (461x682, 24K)

Male/Female slider
what the fuck

>quote reads "The best way to stop discrimination based on race is to stop discriminating based on race."
>the literal very first question: "what is your race?"

Check your priv Pierre, Gender isnt a Binary construct y'know.

trick question, leave that slider in the middle

It’s heavily based on your country. I tweaked some knobs but never got past 85, must be because I’m russian.

The science is in. Muslims are the most oppressed people on the planet, and seeing as someone who is trans and Muslim is the most oppressed I cant help thinking that maybe they are being oppressed by other Muslims.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-02 Intersectionality Score Calculator(1).png (461x534, 48K)


Trannies seem like the most privileged kind in today’s west, shielded from any criticism and having everything they ask society for.

This is obviously a non science based purely on opinion. Life isnt so simple that if are born white, straight, English speaker or apparently from the UK that you have greater privilege than someone from a third world country. There's an infinite range of existential factors, take your pick. The Brit could come from a broken home and be raised in foster care whilst the African could come from a large loving family etc etc. All these things are ultimately superficial and have been designed by some devious social engineers to get people to pigeon hole, divide and pit each other against themselves so the working class (non billionaires) are perpetually fighting each other. This was from a massive sponsored ad campaign on FB. I wonder whose behind it.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-02 Intersectionality Score Calculator(2).png (461x540, 44K)

Yeah its mostly because I'm white and in Canada. because that means I cant be fucking poor.
Shack life has its ups and downs winter is fucking hell and I almost die
so some how I am more privileged then a Russian that doesn't live in a shack

Attached: Canada3.png (628x650, 28K)

This. Like how?

kek. imagine winning the life lottery and being a straight white male, and STILL being a poor fuck loser.

Attached: rich-man-29152509.jpg (1300x1019, 127K)

Every time (when it is not a Leaf)

The question is (((who)))!?

>do liberals actually believe this nonsense or is there some sort of motive of this faggotry

its both

This. They are probably behind this site and the vitriol against Jow Forums looking into it.

I'm looking at you Discord Trannies.

Sjw liberals are typically from high middle class families and very sheltered from the world .

which one of you got 100. I thought being a devout jew would make me the most oppressed but apparently not

I did a whois check and looks like it comes from Portland Oregan, but that could just be their servers, however when putting the IP I was given into my search bar it took me to this site

No surprise there but not sure how connected they are.

This is a joke website that was banned from twatter

>-10 only for being Polack
check your privilege, Western oppressor scums

I'd be very surprised if this was banned from Twitter they love this kind of stuff. It is a joke to us but some people take this stuff super serious.

at least it's not a cuck shed. You're privileged


reparations, suck me off and we can forget about it.

No I think a simple apology will suffice. Im not sure what I've done wrong but the church of Social Justice deems me born with original sin.

have you guys seen this part

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-02-21-21-14.png (480x800, 131K)

>Rampant SJW AI Tay bot

God help us.

Attached: worried laughter not so bot.png (426x554, 228K)

im a liberal kryptonite

Attached: 378773.png (613x481, 29K)

Your intersectionality score: 17
You are more privileged than 76% of others.
Please give more to those less fortunate.

That's horse shit.
I'm a doukhobor. My people were oppressed more than blacks in this country.
>tfw my people didn't get the vote till 1955/56, 108 years after blacks got it
>tfw our kids were taken and placed in internment camps in the 50s until 1960
>tfw cops raid our communities imprisoning us in the 50s
>tfw our parental rights were legislated away and if you wanted to visit a kid, it was for 1 hour through a chainlink fence while rcmp patrolled and watched you
>tfw they would beat the kids and revoke visitation
>tfw it wasn't until the 60s that the government let us buy our land back and even put on stipulations so we couldn't live in communes like we used to
>tfw there are under 3k of us left
>never got an apology/compensation
>government only admitted wrongdoing in 2004
>a main source of knowledge of our history is a book that pretty much depicts us as terrorists

Sure, yeah, I guess you're oppressed

Seethe harder shitskin

Contact them and demand representation.

It doesn't matter what you think, because you're privileged. Let's make a bargain, let's throw out reparations off of the deal, no homo.

This has to be a parody. People who refer to this as “intersectionality” are usually critics, not supporters. It’s the same thing as calling supply-side economics “trickledown” economics, it’s a derogatory term meant to criticize.

would you rather be born black?

They won't care. Doukhobors are ethnic russian. We're white to them.

Your intersectionality score: 64
You are more privileged than 22% of others.
Please give more to those less fortunate.

look at the featured quotes. they each undermine the theory in some way.
obviously a cock in cheek website