Check your privilege Jow Forums

Seethe harder shitskin

Contact them and demand representation.

It doesn't matter what you think, because you're privileged. Let's make a bargain, let's throw out reparations off of the deal, no homo.

This has to be a parody. People who refer to this as “intersectionality” are usually critics, not supporters. It’s the same thing as calling supply-side economics “trickledown” economics, it’s a derogatory term meant to criticize.

would you rather be born black?

They won't care. Doukhobors are ethnic russian. We're white to them.

Your intersectionality score: 64
You are more privileged than 22% of others.
Please give more to those less fortunate.

look at the featured quotes. they each undermine the theory in some way.
obviously a cock in cheek website