Holy crap he's gone, F

Holy crap he's gone, F

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Where has he gone?

pressing F because he was a good christian man who promoted science and learning to white kids.
at least before his paragliding 'accident'.

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to see jesus and god.

The king of random


Literally who?


Grant Thompson the king of random

he was nice guy because he show us how to make big water gun

is that his legal name?

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i made a post here praising the king of random and some other youtubers a few months back, because they provide an alternative to mindless nigger trash for millenials.

a white kid getting interested in science because of people like grant, instead of getting into drugs because he listens to rap DESTROYS 'their' agenda.

there is a few other white christian youtubers who are providing quality wholesome content that i am afraid for now.

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Hes in the celestial kingdom now. F

this. self made man, bought a small airplane to get the required flight hours to become a pilot, promoted science and it was fun to watch as well, branched out so he could spend more time with her beautiful wife and kids, awesome house, great looking, fit

died paragliding. life fucking sucks.


He's melting copper and brass in heaven

This is the first I heard about him dying. Atleast he went out like a white man, flying through the sky.

i thought andy six was king of /b/

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Goddamn you fucks are good at shitposting

He had so much presence and good energy anyway rip

Anyone have the video of his chute failing to open?

Apparently it's livestreamed.

Did they arrest him for making explosives again?

I saw the liveleak video before it was blocked. He was so scared in the final moments. What a sad way to go. Does anyone know of someone who got the clip before it was removed?

Ah, fuck. Well, it's not like he had appeared in any recent videos on his own channel or anything. It was bound to happen eventually, anyways. He did some unbelievably dangerous shit.

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fuck, this might be the one death video that i dont watch.

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I'm still looking for the Steve Irwin video.

>We're told authorities are adamant the video will never be released to the public ... it would be gratuitous, gruesome and painful for his family.

Fuck I wanted to watch the nerd go splat

I wanna see it too. Please source.

what a dumbass lol. Has wife, kids and does dumb dangerous shit like that

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>has wife and kids
>goes paragliding
The fuck? Now his children have to grow up traumatized and without a dad and it's all just because he needed the adrenaline kick of jumping out of planes. How are people not angry about this shit? Why isn't everyone calling this manchild PoS out?

I suspect it was an hero. When he introduced the new guy I thought "shit he probably has cancer or something ". A suicide masked as an accident is a way to go without making people too upset.

I think the guy who recorded it destroyed it sorry m8

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ffs why do people do stupid shit like this
He was a good guy but obviously had a screw loose

another good reason not to get married and have kids I guess.

ya it would have been so much better if he had been driving to his cubicle shitjob and got t-boned by a semi-truck

good riddance

Only good thing is that he didn't die from the episode's he was playing with guns.

Always got a gay vibe from this dude...maybe he couldn't go on living a lie


anyone who promotes DIY culture is a good person in my book. I'm doing arc-welder metal foundry of his design now. Will let me refine all those beer cans I got laying around and using them for casting 3d prints. It will be like ghetto lathe but much cheaper and easier to use.

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I liked his channel even though 80% of the viewer suggestions were dumb.

I was going to get into paramotoring when I got enough money for it... Might reconsider that now.

his only crime was being selected by the youtube (((algorithm))) which left him as a bad taste in everybody's mouth from the relentless shilling


Sad loss of a good role model
Same here. I was under the impression that it was a relatively safe sport in comparison to other adrenaline based shit.

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Get your logs off Jow Forums Andy.

what did they mean by this?

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Maybe he simply wanted to focus on his family and gave away channel to that dude because that would be simply a shame to let it rot like that.

>that moment you realize you're surrounded by zoomers

came in here expecting some bantz and all you fuckers are crying about this bill nye wanna be? His content was aimed at 10-14 year olds. Dumb motherfucker basically an hero'd in my book why the fuck you'd do such a hobby when you have a family to support is beyond me.

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no one has ever died from paragliding.
you literally have a parachute attached at all times, it is totally safe.

there is a 150% chance that he was killed by TPTB, i bet they burned his parachute cables with lasers or something.

>building electric metal smelter out of two microwave transformers that can instantly fry you when you touch the electrodes
>10-14 years olds

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so neverland?

Paramotoring, not paragliding
and people die from this shit all the time

like this faggot almost sucked deaths dick just last month

who the fuck is this faggot? and why should I care?

>white christian youtuber who promotes learning, intelligence, and a wholesome christian lifestyle and condemns drugs, crime and degeneracy
>dies suspiciously

This. It really caught me by surprise, been watching him from the beginning up until he stopped, didn't really care about the other two and their experiments, they were mostly derivative from what I have seen.


>does something very dangerous
>die suspiciously

That one is a fake. The death was real but it wasn't Grant in the video

i never knew what we had until he was gone
rest in F sweet lad