Holy crap he's gone, F

he was nice guy because he show us how to make big water gun

is that his legal name?

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i made a post here praising the king of random and some other youtubers a few months back, because they provide an alternative to mindless nigger trash for millenials.

a white kid getting interested in science because of people like grant, instead of getting into drugs because he listens to rap DESTROYS 'their' agenda.

there is a few other white christian youtubers who are providing quality wholesome content that i am afraid for now.

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Hes in the celestial kingdom now. F

this. self made man, bought a small airplane to get the required flight hours to become a pilot, promoted science and it was fun to watch as well, branched out so he could spend more time with her beautiful wife and kids, awesome house, great looking, fit

died paragliding. life fucking sucks.


He's melting copper and brass in heaven

This is the first I heard about him dying. Atleast he went out like a white man, flying through the sky.

i thought andy six was king of /b/

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Goddamn you fucks are good at shitposting