Why do white people like stuff like this?

because they are cucks

Apparently don't according to Netflix's recent profit drops.

i really liked the new death wish!

> "Marxist"
Sure, sure.
> PoC
You know where you wouldn't need the "oC"? Back in your god-damned continent.

Attached: 1565089761280.jpg (480x360, 21K)

people of crime?


I can't wait till chinks bake you baguette niggers!!!

no, but close

Bro I think your eyes are busted.

The Boys is only demoralizing if you are some sort of capeshit faggot nigger faggot faggot faggot, faggot.

Stuff like what? Who's the guy on the pic?
More like PoS. Whites are the diverse people with various eye and hair colors.