Time for this discussion again. There is simply no defense for circumcision and it needs to be completely illegal if done for anything other than a legitimate medical reason.
Those same cells also absorb them sweet pussy juices full of them sweet pussy hormones that trigger primal urges in your cave man brain that make you think "i need to protect this one" and at the same time your glans are releasing their own hormones that trigger primal urges in her cave woman brain that make her think "i need to be loyal to this one" which probably explains the high rate of divorce, cheating and domestic violence in countries like America which have a high rate of genital mutilation.
You also risk damaging the hymen which no, the hymen breaking during sex IS NOT NORMAL and 60% of women still have an intact hymen, those without have had theirs ripped to shreds by mutilated penises and that is not normal. Don't know much about the hymen? Here you go watch a sex education video. youtube.com/watch?v=1ikXim4wevc
TLDNR: >Foreskin make peepee feel gooder >Foreskin stop STD >Foreskin absorb pussy nectar >Foreskin make glans produce sweet dick nectar >Foreskin make sex not hurt woman >Mutilated peepee is bad >(((doctors))) should go jail if they mutilate a baby >There is still hope for some recovery if (((doctors))) hurt you.
(checked) You are a judensau science major working in a lab at a cosmetics factory. In your past, an ex-fiance burned your fathers gardening shed down because he was receiving messages in freemasonic code from the disembodied spirit of his ghost prepuce.
Yeah, that's basically similar what a mohel does...
Bentley Walker
Yes, the mutilation of the genitals of children worries me.
Cooper Lee
dont mind me, I am just waiting for the first american to defend his cut dick
Asher Nguyen
Tyler Myers
Same here
Caleb Torres
I think the people obsessed with it are definitely not babies or children, it's the adults that preform these things on them by force. And it permanently damages them and causes great pain, and they will have to live with that!
I still don't get it how "progressive" countries havent banned it yet since they are all about human rights. I think they wouldn't want to offend muslims and jews but even if it was banned those groups would still do it in private.
John Jenkins
It is banned in Australia. Has been for quite a while now.
In Denmark, they wound up saying it would compromise national security if they outright banned it.
Nathaniel Kelly
These devices look disturbing by considering how they use them.
Here is a description I found on e-bay.
>During circumcision with use of Gomco clamp, the desired part of the foreskin will be squeezed. The foreskin will be pushed back and the long bell can be set over the glans, afterwards the foreskin will be pushed forward again. The hole of the metal plate will be placed on the area of the desired cutting line. The lever on the tapering end of the bell is now connected to the end of the perforated plate. The foreskin can then be disconnected, the screw will be turned down and a pressure between plate and bell arises. The protuberant foreskin can be cut and sewn at the ends. Also, a "low" circumcision is possible, whereby more parts of outer foreskin remains
That just screams to me that it's extremely painful!
Burger parents are just lazy IMO. The prefer to cut it and don't bother with a foreskin.
Ryan Ross
I really want an uncut guy to beat his meat in my face, does that make me a fag?
Logan Bennett
It shouldn't be just made illegal. There should be compensations for victims and funding toward research into regenerating the foreskin.
Ryder Thomas
Unmutilated I've never had to use lube and was fucking surprised and horrified when I found out just how normal it is in burgerland even for mastubatory purposes.
You fags need to rise up.
Kayden Foster
Dominic Myers
spent 1 month in a hospital on OB ward, every single newborn got circumcisions. Had to watch em too.
Joshua Johnson
Better yet, it shouldn't be a thing. Why does it need to be illegal? No one should even want to mutilate infants.
Brody James
Jason Foster
Here's another device with description from e-bay...
>Circumcision can be done with use of Mogan clamp. The foreskin will be pulled over the glans and the clamp then placed over the remaining part of the foreskin. The pinched skin can be cut and the remaining skin can be stitched. With this method it is possible to obtain much inner foreskin and tighten the skin also. This method is not recommended for a full circumcision.
Women have so much privilege. >gets genital mutilation of women banned throughout most of the world >lower suicide rates (inb4 excuse of trying more) >works less dangerous jobs >alimony helps them more than men >convinced many countries that they are the true victims >uses foreskin of baby males to look younger
Easton Kelly
I honestly give Jews props.
Btw Hitler was fine with circumcision, facts and he was allied with muslims which founded it. Look up ss Muslim divisions.
Anyway. The Jews have several great things.
Mel Brooks, a self loathing kike. Gene Wilder, a fucking jew that out jewed his people. Gilbert Gottfried, hates everyone equally and throws the n word and c word around like a foot ball.
Jews made bagels, but that's false because it is a polish snack. Which is tasty.
Past those few things existing good out of Jews ever existing I honestly don't know have much a reason for them to exist.
Men can make women ill from a unwashed cock. But it's easier to if your cock ain't cuck. Its easier to piss from a cut cock. My buddy has to pull his dick back every day to just piss. Or he'll get smegma and an infection. Sadly it's just better. I'm happy I'm cut and desu if I was Fuhur the second to the oven's after the kikes would be all of you extra skin club footed dick havers. Then I'd probably hire enough eugenists to physically alter DNA to have folks born without foreskin. Seriously.
Inb4 like shill. I hate Jews just as much as the next man.
But muslims invented circumcision prior to Jews. Remember kikes are Muslim hybrids. Jews need to fucking stop subverting cultures and destroying them. I'm saving this copy paste for these threads from now on.
I guarentee if roles were reversed and jews were against circumcision and Pagans and christans were for it youd gobble this shit the fuck up and support it.
Carson Walker
The male doctor I was following told all of his patients it was strictly a cultural thing. The female one swore up and down the link to cancer justified it. Btw what you linked is hardly the most barbaric part of the operation.
Hunter Lopez
Yeah, probably. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to try playing with one just to find out what it's like.
Foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17378847 archive.is/7vlut >The glans of the uncircumcised men had significantly lower mean (sem) pressure thresholds than that of the circumcised men, at 0.161 (0.078) g (P = 0.040) when controlled for age, location of measurement, type of underwear worn, and ethnicity. There were significant differences in pressure thresholds by location on the penis (P < 0.001). The most sensitive location on the circumcised penis was the circumcision scar on the ventral surface. Five locations on the uncircumcised penis that are routinely removed at circumcision had lower pressure thresholds than the ventral scar of the circumcised penis.
Circumcision doesn’t really reduce STD rates. The difference is either insignificant or more so for the circumcised, especially for the very promiscuous. Circumcised men engage in more unusual sexual practices. cirp.org/library/general/laumann/ archive.is/ybRH
>muslims invented circumcision How is it possible to get this retarded?
Jason Cooper
Also keep in mind you can't use anesthetic on newborns. This barbaric practice should be banned worldwide, those who don't comply be prosecuted for torture and crippling of underage children as well as sexual abuse of minors.
I'm not sure anymore. Notice all the big dicks are circumcised while uncut like me have small ones.
Easton Lewis
The foreskin protect you from the Jewish mind controlling powers. If you are circumcised, you have to always wear the special protective tinfoil on your cock
Josiah Rodriguez
Uncut dicks are smaller and they look like only gays would prefer them.
I have phimosis D:, I need one for medical reasons.
Nathaniel Wright
I like both, I think if you have a smaller dick circumcised looks better, I think uncut looks best on thick meaty cocks, and only if they are kept clean. Nowadays with modern hygiene, moisturizers and showering being available everywhere I don't think the whole drying out issue is that pronounced as it was in, say, the 1600's.
You claim to not care about it but spend $5000 on a procedure to remove the skin
Noah Martin
Don't do it. Stretch and use hydrocortisone creams.
Connor Wright
I've had a couple appointments with urologists and they have mentioned my frenulum is too short/tight, so my foreskin can't really stretch much without hurting
Evan Walker
> tfw cutfag Wat do, lads?
Ayden Evans
>Time for this discussion again. as if you ever stop
Levi Hernandez
Yes, having shit and piss build scar tissue around your urethra is really "alpha"
>I don't think the whole drying out issue is that pronounced as it was in, say, the 1600's Circumcision only became prevalent within the past 50-60 years. The whole drying out thing is just an unavoidable side effect that can be remedied with moisturizers, but is an unnecessary side effect from an unnecessary procedure
Jose Ross
but let's say I can, how can I deal with glans hypersensitivity? It hurts a lot when I touch it
Jack Rodriguez
Of course. Moshe has been putting that thought into your head since birth. It's why you will mutilate your screaming sons dick too.
Jonathan Wright
Andrew Howard
What about it do you find gross?
Adrian Murphy
Circumcision makes penises smaller, about 8mm shorter on average. There is less girth, and it can also reduce the length if it is cut too tightly.
Zachary Allen
Most men on Earth do not get circumcised
And fucking lol at by cutting off a body part and losing sensation just because you think women will like it better, you are a massive pussy
Camden King
> if you have a smaller dick circumcised looks better, I think uncut looks best on thick meaty cocks, and only if they are kept clean.
This is a pretty important point, I personally like circumcised and they do keep clean easier. To each his own.
Women do not care what your dick looks like, they care what it's attached to. Had a girl tell me she thought uncircumcised dicks were gross and it'd be a deal breaker for her in bed. Then she found out I was uncut and took it all back. Agree with this user. If the only thing you have to offer is your "pretty" cut cock, you're probably a gigantic pussy that can't offer much else
Hunter James
This guy got his penis circumcised as a baby and it failed, after that he lost his manhood completely because of it... and then he committed suicide after suffering from it through his whole life...
this is the gayest thread on Jow Forums and that's saying something
Robert Richardson
That jewish pecker on the left... kek! We need to sterilize the circumcised. All circumcised males are basically jews, probably why Americans support is real. Extermination is also a viable solution
Ayden Turner
Aren't like 80-90% of men in your country intact? Also go fuck yourself bitch for defending genital mutilation, you deserve to be raped many times in a row
Liam Jones
dyed up shrivel dick.
Jeremiah Richardson
>clean easier ya saving 10 seconds in the shower is really worth taking a blade to a baby's genitals
Angel Garcia
it seems absurd that we even have to mention the end product. like isn't the brutal torture of babies enough to convince people that this is wrong? feels like lala land