Circumsicion should be illegal

Most men on Earth do not get circumcised

And fucking lol at by cutting off a body part and losing sensation just because you think women will like it better, you are a massive pussy

> if you have a smaller dick circumcised looks better, I think uncut looks best on thick meaty cocks, and only if they are kept clean.

This is a pretty important point, I personally like circumcised and they do keep clean easier. To each his own.

Attached: 3ze0m0qenuf31.jpg (640x821, 56K)

Women do not care what your dick looks like, they care what it's attached to. Had a girl tell me she thought uncircumcised dicks were gross and it'd be a deal breaker for her in bed. Then she found out I was uncut and took it all back. Agree with this user. If the only thing you have to offer is your "pretty" cut cock, you're probably a gigantic pussy that can't offer much else

This guy got his penis circumcised as a baby and it failed, after that he lost his manhood completely because of it... and then he committed suicide after suffering from it through his whole life...

Attached: 220px-David_Reimer.jpg (220x342, 19K)

this is the gayest thread on Jow Forums and that's saying something

That jewish pecker on the left... kek!
We need to sterilize the circumcised. All circumcised males are basically jews, probably why Americans support is real. Extermination is also a viable solution

Aren't like 80-90% of men in your country intact? Also go fuck yourself bitch for defending genital mutilation, you deserve to be raped many times in a row

dyed up shrivel dick.

>clean easier
ya saving 10 seconds in the shower is really worth taking a blade to a baby's genitals

it seems absurd that we even have to mention the end product. like isn't the brutal torture of babies enough to convince people that this is wrong? feels like lala land