Who won WW2? And why is the answer Britain?

Who won WW2? And why is the answer Britain?

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You couldn't win a spoon fighting contest. Mostly because you'd get arrested for possessing a spoon.

>Who won WW2?

British intelligence, American steel, Russian blood

Brits in WWII ran the jerrys with jars of acid in hand and overcame based mg34s..

>in clown world


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>Who won WW2?
The Jews.

nazis won, see op highjump, engenics, etc
your life is a lie

To be fair, the British decoding Enigma did more damage to Nazi Germany than any battle the red army won in the war.

the niggers won.

I thought Israel was the only winning country of WW2

correct answer: all of the above ...?

>lol people think the winners of ww2 won ww2

What in the actual fuck did they mean by this

Britain was the goal keeper, they stopped Germany from winning a quick victory but how many games are won by the keeper?

The USA was subbed on in injury time of the second half and scored a goal when you were already up 3-2 and celebrate like it was the winner, it wasn't.

Russia scored the 3 goals.

This is the only correct answer

>soccer metaphors

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Who won ww2 ? That’s an easy answer: The jews
Who lost: all of humanity

Should have let the Japs keep you.

LMAO this is hilarious

Imagine being proud of killing the last european holdout against international central banking.

Imagine killing fellow europeans, in order to bring about noahide lawful society in which pedophelia and degeneracy will become the norm and ultimately protected by the state.

Then imagine being proud of it in spite of seeing your population ethnically replaced in your own homeland. In spite of seeing your children grow poorer than your generation, and seeing them grow into miserable lonely suicidal people, you still think you did the right thing by defeating Hitler.

There simply is no arguing with these people.

As Julius Evola said; "Leave modern men to their "truths" and let us instead focus on remaining standing amid a world of ruins."

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Churchill used kike money to fund the first mass bombardements of civilians.

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WW2 was shit but it's pretty crazy that it took 3 world powers to stop 1.

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The international (((bankers))) won WW Jew.


More like Russia's winter.

At least we'd start the spoon fight from the beginning.

Stephen Ambrose was featured in a special episode of The World at War - a half hour piece that was basically a history lecture by Ambrose.
The winner of World War II depends on perspective. Militarily, it was the USSR. They beat the best Germany had to offer in the field and in the process, captured territory and brought Eastern Europe into the sphere. They had already eliminated Japan as a threat back in 1939. The cost for all of this, however, was staggering, almost beyond human comprehension.

Economically and politically, it was no contest. The United States won the war hands down to the exclusion of all others. There's simply no way to frame any other outcome in that regard.

Britain can claim something of a moral victory for holding their own alone against the German air onslaught. That and two bucks will get you a cup of coffee. WWII was the end of Britain as a world power. They've been running on vapors since, and their recent, intentional domestic collapse is simply finishing the job.

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Without any of the 3 germany would have won. So yes they were all responsible for winning

We all lost. Who gives a shit.

Nothing like a good blackpill to calm the nerves.

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This, but a slightly different question from "who won the battle" is who benefited most from the outcome of the war.

Definitely not Britain. They started the war with an Empire spanning half the globe and a vow to liberate Poland. By the end they'd lost the empire, surrendered Poland to Stalin, and were flat broke.
Russia and the other USSR countries lost so many people that winning and losing probably would have been almost indistinguishable from one another.

No, the USA and Israel both benefited most from the war. The former replaced Britain as global superpower, and the latter came into existence.

Australia and NZ didn't do too badly out of it either. We got a powerful new ally against the Asian threats to the north (although we've subsequently all but handed them the keys to place anyway).

As for the article in the OP: the sentiments of the Americans and Russians is understandable. It's the Brits that are in denial. Only permanently blackpilled Peter Hitchens will say it aloud.

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