Nothing like a good blackpill to calm the nerves.
Who won WW2? And why is the answer Britain?
This, but a slightly different question from "who won the battle" is who benefited most from the outcome of the war.
Definitely not Britain. They started the war with an Empire spanning half the globe and a vow to liberate Poland. By the end they'd lost the empire, surrendered Poland to Stalin, and were flat broke.
Russia and the other USSR countries lost so many people that winning and losing probably would have been almost indistinguishable from one another.
No, the USA and Israel both benefited most from the war. The former replaced Britain as global superpower, and the latter came into existence.
Australia and NZ didn't do too badly out of it either. We got a powerful new ally against the Asian threats to the north (although we've subsequently all but handed them the keys to place anyway).
As for the article in the OP: the sentiments of the Americans and Russians is understandable. It's the Brits that are in denial. Only permanently blackpilled Peter Hitchens will say it aloud.