Is it a coincidence the whitest of white women Icelandics are slowly evolving into asian girls?
No it's sexual selection and evolution.
Asian women > White women.
So as we can see women are slowly evolving into asian girls to attract white husbands.
Bjork 100% white
some Scandis naturally have epicanthic folds, I read somewhere it is 1-2 %
>Bjorkposter strikes again
>Only yesterday's post with the strap on was successful.
The absolute state of Jow Forums.
Race mix right now goys
Or else......
>the poet was actually right
She is a beautiful weirdo. This the set with Rolling Stone where she randomly just starts taking all her clothes off?
She's 53.
You guys know that a spic tried to kill her with a bomb because she was dating a nigger?
He sent a package to her house or whatever with a bomb disguised as a book, but it was intercepted. He killed himself and was found in a puddle of piss and blood.
He seemed reasonable and we'll adjusted.
Okay the guy worked in a fucking movie rental shop... how the fuck could he afford bomb-making tools and materials.... and HIV-infected blood?! WHAT?
icelandic women's genetic structure is 31% irish, due to the thousands of irish slave girls who were taken from ireland and used as concubines in iceland, although quite inbred, the icelandic ethnicity is distinct to their scandanavian cousins because of this irish admixture.
But then again, the inbred factor probably has a lot to do with it as the same genes past on over and over gain within a small genetic group can become too pronounced and mutate into something quite strange and different.