Seriously, what in the actual fuck is wrong with this jerk off? This insensitive prick is mocking the thousands and thousands of people that have been massacred by these mass shootings.
This is your Commander-in-chief?
Other urls found in this thread:
trump has no power
Fuck them, and you.
take your fat orange boomer kikelover and fuck off from here. Jow Forums is done with democracy shenanigans
He's actually based. If this had been a conservative news anchor or a YouTube content creator, you bet your ass the leftist outrage machine would have not only come for their jobs, but also tried to get charges levied against them.
actually preparing the republitard NPC boomers to be pro-gun confiscation, laughable
Hey Shareblue, get a sense of humor.
Also, fuck off.
ps: He's YOUR Commander in Cheif, and he has the nuclear codes. Deal with it and dilate.
you must not be very smart.
/fredo/ awaits you.
now gtfo you shareblue pos.
I dont care about the entire Cuomo thing. What bothers me is how he mocks the Red Flag law that he proposed, he's blatantly making fun if it. He doesn't care to stop mass shootings. He's making fun of it by suggesting Cuomo "shouldn't be allowed to have any weapon"
>ally preparing the republitard NPC boomers to be pro-gun confiscation, laugha
We need more gun control if you don't think that's the case than you're just as delusional as these white supremacist mass shooters.
you think he might have proposed it because it's gun control which liberals love but discriminates against the mentally ill which liberals hate? they're already at each other's throats over it
Good. If ever a shitty piece of legislation needed to be undermined it's that. Setting it up to be shot down by the supreme court.
I'm not the only one thinking this you hollow headed inbreeds
It is real. Also, KYS OP for not posting a link
This is exactly why "red flag" laws are a terrible idea. Anyone who even gets in a verbal argument are at risk of their firearms being taken. Trump just exposed why no one who supports 2A should support the government passing "red flag" laws
Kill yourself. What you should be angry about is him suggesting someone could be red flagged for getting into an argument.
Why should I be angry about the truth, faggot?
First and foremost, go fuck yourself. 2nd, it's not a bad idea if it is implemented by the correct administration. You think your TUPay wearing, "President" has the capacity to pull that off successfully?
Agreed, orange Hitler needs to fuck off already. We're tired of this racist bigot. YangGang 2020
His violent language is a huge red flag though. Are we just supposed to pretend that Fredo is of sound mind?
Degenerates like you belong on crosses.
So what you're saying is people should have their firearms confiscated for getting into a verbal argument?
Legitimately you are probably even more retarded than OP
If Red Flag laws exist, that is exactly what they will be used for.
>lf. What you should be angry about is him suggesting someone could be red flagged for getting into an argume
Right just as your fake god did. GTFO
Which is why you should be angry that Trump even considered using them in the first place, and is now even joking about red flagging people for arguments. Also, my first comment was meant for OP. Who the fuck are you?
For calling out the Jews.
So you mean the person proposing policy is undermining it and giving anyone who wants to get the laws overturned in courts a fucking easy thing to point to?
Yeah, I'm mad that he proposed it. This is comedy gold though, just like your dilated front hole.
These are actors, user.
It's not real.
You got lost on your way to reddit.
16D chess making libbies disagree with red flag laws
He's doing it on purpose you colossal faggot. It's intentional to undermine the current gun control effort.
>no-guns for a completely unhinged faggot
I see no problem with this.
>2nd, it's not a bad idea if it is implemented by the correct administration.
hahah no.. we have shit like this.
They can take away your guns for the flimsiest reason.
>pal divorces from his ex cunt
>ex cunt claims he beat her and threatened her with killing her
>police shows up a few days later and took his guns (because he was not "dependable" anymore)
>has to go through courts and has to provide evidence the ex cunt was lying her ass off
>still doesn't get guns back, he still has to go through a "extended psychological examination" because the judge is a cunt
>after 8 months he finally got his guns back
"I'll throw you down some stairs for calling me a mean name"-sane rich people everywhere
No, he isn't. He's noting that a volatile manlet polemic who threatened to hurl another person down a flight of stairs after being referred to as a Godfather character should be denied access to firearms in the interest of public safety.
Shut the fuck up, pussy. This is MAGA country now.
Garbage legislation deserves to be mocked, just like the 19th amendment, the 1966 immigration act, and the civil rights act
yea ok pussy
you cant stop mass shootings u fucking turd
Now I see what your issue is. You're one of these MGTOW incels. Everyone is a cunt and you some Alpha god who just waits for the day of day of reckoning where everyone will see it your way. Stop it with this subjective examples. You sound like you're in your feelings.
You mean like in Orlando where 5 gay guys with roller blades and one mannequin (pic related) were killed?
no way in hell he will support it i knew that from day one when he said they would look into it.. no they aren't he wont do that to his base before an election year
Fuck Drumpf. I can't believe I helped this piece of shit win election.
Pathetic post. OP has once again proven that he’s a faggot. Let’s not your subversive undertones either, you kike.
Wish it was.
Dilley?!?! Stop!
Fuck kikes
Fuck israel
You'll never have a real vagina and no man will ever fuck you.
>confiscated for getting into a verbal argument?
he was threatening him with bodily harm, thrown down the stairs
>that he proposed
wtf are the democrats proposing?
Not me a long, but if you basement dwellers actually put your minds together for the correct cause it could happen.
Impeachment and banning cow farts.
>someone could be red flagged for getting into an argument.
That's the whole point you fucking cretin.
Turn off your VPN and post under your real flag, leaf.
But Cuomo SHOULDN'T be allowed to have any weapons? Guy is a hot head on a hair trigger.
So deporting all the Jews and Niggers?
What was Cuomo's rant? What did he say?
Literal cope with a mix of mental breakdown and do you know who my family is.
>threatening to throw someone downstairs for calling you a non-insult is an argument
That’s the most leftist bill I’ve ever seen
Passed unanimously by republicans and democrats in the Senate.
>by the correct administration
I.e. when your guy is calling the shots
Fuck off bootlicking scum
definitely a red flag.
who overreacts to something as trivial as "Fredo"?
i bet black people really appreciated his attempt to compare "Fredo" with "the n word". Because they're ***TOTALLY*** the same thing, and have the same painful history.
>I'm just as much a victim as all you black people
>i 100% understand your inner pain
talk about head-up-your-ass racism, but that's nothing new with white-saviour-Democrats.
Based Trump playing rope a dope with these seething Lefties.
Swearing is now grounds to be disarmed :^)
>We need more gun control
>sent from iphone using Tapatalk
thanks Boomer
I just called my Rep. again, and pointed out why this tweet shows how red flag laws can be abused. The guy was very professional, but I could tell even he was pissed at the tweet.
>Mows lawn at 8am
Wake the fuck up
t. Shareblue
No, he's self-parodying his own proposed legislation. And boomer retards think this is 4d chess.
>take my guns, god emperor!
>just please give more money to israel!
>can you change their embassy to washington d.c., their true capital?!
Kike cock suckers, get out.
Go fuck yourself nigger.
>Go fuck yourself nigger.
If you read the EULA on your TOS for the dashboard, you would know that even if you are ROLECONing your posts are still recorded.
You have no future.
I actually think he is mocking Fredo OP.
If you think I'm shareblue after reading this thread, you are retarded.
Stop larping about calling your Republican House rep then and how they're all bluepilled about mental health faggot. Advanced demoralization tactics like that are probably a little too glowing for shareblue anyway, but it wouldn't surprise me if you were starting to do that in the long game, you fucks have enough money to game plan it.
Guess I hit a nerve of an intel agency that just wants the thread to die.
>mocking red flag laws while pushing for them
He's fucking senile
We should start a campaign to say calling the news fake is anti Semitic. Forcing them to admit by implication that it's run by Jews. Msm and libshits are retarded. They will definitely take the bait.