you think he might have proposed it because it's gun control which liberals love but discriminates against the mentally ill which liberals hate? they're already at each other's throats over it
This is your Commander-in-chief?
Good. If ever a shitty piece of legislation needed to be undermined it's that. Setting it up to be shot down by the supreme court.
I'm not the only one thinking this you hollow headed inbreeds
It is real. Also, KYS OP for not posting a link
This is exactly why "red flag" laws are a terrible idea. Anyone who even gets in a verbal argument are at risk of their firearms being taken. Trump just exposed why no one who supports 2A should support the government passing "red flag" laws
Kill yourself. What you should be angry about is him suggesting someone could be red flagged for getting into an argument.
Why should I be angry about the truth, faggot?
First and foremost, go fuck yourself. 2nd, it's not a bad idea if it is implemented by the correct administration. You think your TUPay wearing, "President" has the capacity to pull that off successfully?
Agreed, orange Hitler needs to fuck off already. We're tired of this racist bigot. YangGang 2020
His violent language is a huge red flag though. Are we just supposed to pretend that Fredo is of sound mind?
Degenerates like you belong on crosses.