Centrist bois

Where's the centrist lads at?

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I have no strong location ether way

Moral lectures from comedians and people embedded in the sociopathic, cultural marxist, pedophile-ridden entertainment industry is exactly what I need to get my day started.

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Hah get it no location like no opnion... Because I'm a cnetrist, god I'm so funny

I don't even know who this chap is I just found this picture when I Google centrism

He's a shitty comedian / actor / movie star/ cultural marxist pawn from the 90s who was famous for stealing another shitty comedian's jokes. He also had a song called "I'm an asshole" where he sang about tormenting handicapped people and driving really slow in the traveling lane as if it was cool.

IDK if this is a real quote from him or not, but it would be a true measure of irony if it was.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1790x1304, 284K)

>left and right destroy each other
>The Centrists take control of everything

perfect. balance.

Ah cool, sounds about right another Hollywood nonce

While handicapped people make handicapped faces!