Where's the centrist lads at?
Centrist bois
I have no strong location ether way
Moral lectures from comedians and people embedded in the sociopathic, cultural marxist, pedophile-ridden entertainment industry is exactly what I need to get my day started.
Hah get it no location like no opnion... Because I'm a cnetrist, god I'm so funny
I don't even know who this chap is I just found this picture when I Google centrism
He's a shitty comedian / actor / movie star/ cultural marxist pawn from the 90s who was famous for stealing another shitty comedian's jokes. He also had a song called "I'm an asshole" where he sang about tormenting handicapped people and driving really slow in the traveling lane as if it was cool.
IDK if this is a real quote from him or not, but it would be a true measure of irony if it was.
>left and right destroy each other
>The Centrists take control of everything
perfect. balance.
Ah cool, sounds about right another Hollywood nonce
While handicapped people make handicapped faces!
What does Jaime Lannister have to do with this?
Former centrist here
Dems suck now so now lean right
Right here. And i still hate spics niggers and kikes.
Idk who that is
centrist here
>centrists have no opinions
American 'right' is center from 11 years ago.
You've managed to fuck up almost every single political term. US 'liberal' has little to do with European 'liberal', not to mention original definition.
>ok well i mean i don't want to be radical i suppose i'll be a centerist and propose than only half of that happens to be more moderate
wtf. Thats dennis leary. He played the dad in the movie "The Sandlot".