Why do you even consider axn """"girls""""/""men"" as your choice of breeding machine, Jow Forums...

Why do you even consider axn """"girls""""/""men"" as your choice of breeding machine, Jow Forums? Are you gonna get a gook because you can't get real women but goes for the cheap, knock off plastic women instead?

Attached: imagine being a chink.png (3058x2562, 3.67M)

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>t. fat used up white roastie gettin’ toasty

My azn gf wouldn't talk to me all sloppy and naggy like you do.

That picture is hilarious

gotta get a gook


Attached: 1560985395495.gif (347x244, 3.72M)

Asian insectoid here. I'm laughing so hard it hurts.

I'm securing white future by breeding only with white women because I hand picked my wife from Chechnya, the lost tribe of Templar

If that image is yours please make moar

Are you a moslem too?