Why do you even consider axn """"girls""""/""men"" as your choice of breeding machine, Jow Forums...


top kek

Fuck that pic is FUNNY

>Cheap plastic
Like a sex doll? I just realized Asians are replacing themselves with low cost plastic, ironic.

>pussy wider than beer can

AHAhahahahaha user my stomach hurt from laughing hahahaha

Why do you use med picture when it's the Anglo saxons coping that their women are getting increasingly blacked that they settle for gooks?

>I hand picked my wife from Chechnya
Elaborate please

So what about the random guys he interviewed? He talks about how he and a lot of guys say men are increasingly noticing Asians. Does he just spend too much time on Jow Forums?

Seething white roastie having Monday morning dick withdrawals. LOL