India Plans Big Detention Camps for Migrants. Muslims Are Afraid

More than four million people in India, mostly Muslims, are at risk of being declared foreign migrants as the government pushes a hard-line Hindu nationalist agenda that has challenged the country’s pluralist traditions and aims to redefine what it means to be Indian.

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Nice. Give the muzzies a taste of their own medicine.


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India is overpopulated. The best thing that could happen to that country is a nuclear war with Pakistan.

>even shitskins are now sick of mudslimes
Kek britainistan, you might have an influx of poojeet mudslimes soon. Try not to die too quickly, do we can laugh at you longer

Poos in the Loo are being based for once.

Will never happen.
Too many poos in Gulf countries, they will be lynched.

Chinese are already doing it. Infact they displace the muslim men into "reeducation" camps and marry off the women with Chinese men.