India Plans Big Detention Camps for Migrants. Muslims Are Afraid

More than four million people in India, mostly Muslims, are at risk of being declared foreign migrants as the government pushes a hard-line Hindu nationalist agenda that has challenged the country’s pluralist traditions and aims to redefine what it means to be Indian.

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Nice. Give the muzzies a taste of their own medicine.


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India is overpopulated. The best thing that could happen to that country is a nuclear war with Pakistan.

>even shitskins are now sick of mudslimes
Kek britainistan, you might have an influx of poojeet mudslimes soon. Try not to die too quickly, do we can laugh at you longer

Poos in the Loo are being based for once.

Will never happen.
Too many poos in Gulf countries, they will be lynched.

Chinese are already doing it. Infact they displace the muslim men into "reeducation" camps and marry off the women with Chinese men.


Those poor Muslims. They always seem:
A. Scared
B. Sad
C. Angry
D. Worried
E. Concerned

You know what they never are?

The only immigration that should be allowed into India is my fat British cock mail ordered to the willing sisters of Hindu nationalists. Rule Britannia.

holy shit this is based af


get that jamal cock out of your mother, sister and gf's ass out first, cuck leaf

based and capped

They'll just escape to the west.

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These are illegals. They commit crime and put burden on resources. Seems reasonable response.

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So just like the jews then.

Hindustanis are biggest fags. I remember seeing one of their communities. They celebrate when whites die - SAD! I'm just here to reaffirm the Indoeuropean tradition, and that starts by having all of your women submitting to my Aryan phallus.


imagine the smell

>India Plans Big Detention Camps for Migrants. Muslims Are Afraid.
best news I've read in the last decade

dream on leafcuck
*poos on you* kek

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id rather not


"Samir, get the gun, windows tech support is here again!"

Lol im not afraid of that cuck modi i can prove my citizenship


How many Itunes giftcards does it take to become a citizen?

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India needs to get their Incel population under control, that' whythey're building these rape camps. But I don't care, it's just pooniggers and muzzieniggers.

>aims to redefine what it means to be Indian.
you mean define what it means to be Indian fucking kike whores

>be poo
>betray your people and convert to islam
>centuries later your brainlet descendants are so shit they think india is a good place to live
>illegally hop the border
>shocked when those indians that didn't betray their race hate you and want you to leave


Attached: THINKING SENKO CHAN.webm (720x540, 94K)
The action picks up at around 6:30.

based burger

Ummah will hold together and defeat then with toilet cleaner.

neat I've had this webm for years but hadn't seen where it came from

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Pakis are religious traitors, they're like Irish Prods.
Kill em all

Sounds just like the Jews.

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They want to go to Dublin over London

India and china showing us the way

India is truly the greatest country on earth!

Will become the next superpower in 2020 and replace goy jewnited states!

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>religious death camps are okay though if India drop its sanctions on the U.S. :^)

Those fuckin muslims better be afraid. India does not belong to Islam. The culture is superior to that.

Sounds like you Jews

They'll escape to Britain as refugees

How many of you speak Gaelic vs 100 years ago?

Then who will do all the work for you lazy fucks?

Ignore the Sikh Larper living in Brampton aka Bramistan

>Irish prods are traitors
>Better to be Catholic and submit to Roman/Vatican rule
Mick logic in action. Explains why the Irish and not the Scots were enslaved.

So more of them will move here now. Just fuck our shit up.

Imagine for a second a Poo concentration camp.

The poo rises

You've got an open border with us!

Those sand niggers know how to play the fuckin' victim card


lahilalallullala muhamarapoopulla

>Indian engineering
Imagine the smell

Go India!

good. fuck monotheism of all kinds.

Imagine the smell

Found the muzzkike. Both are fucking shit