Are burgers prepared for Greta?
Are burgers prepared for Greta?
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Hope the bitch gets shot.
Or raped by niggers
I’ve been living under a rock... who is she?
Anyone can share the gangbang footage from that little dinghy?
Face of climate change activism. Austic Swedish girl who skips school to protest.
Fuck off eh, Newfoundland is full
We're manning the old WWII artillery batteries.
David Hogg of climate change
dat look when you're ready to be groomed by your kike masters
alright i'll bite, where is she supposed to land?
and how can i interfere with it?
Why does this kid look she has a 35 year old mans head implanted on her?
TFW no 10/10 eco-fascist gf like Greta :(
Make sure to make Greta feel welcome with a bumper sticker!
Funny how a little white girl is praised for illegally chartering a vessel for US waters. But Juan and Maria can’t walk a few yards? Fuck Greta.
Swedes have visa free travel
Explain again why she insists on this stunt to a nation with actual environmentalism programs and documentation showing it's current efforts and results of reducing pollution instead of to India or China that are full-steam ahead with lawless industry?
I voted and support our president Trump but I cannot get on board with making fun of a little girl who's just trying to do what she thinks is right. I mean come on, she's sailing on a ocean because she thinks it's better for the environment. i wouldn't have the guts to do that and I doubt any of you would either.
So while I'm not on bored with increasing taxes I do think we need to do something about Climate Change. I believe that a carbon credit system would work super well. You buy carbon credits for your emissions and if you don't have a big footprint you can sell them to someone who does. Sounds like a good idea for us and I think Greta would agree. It's a good capitalist way to solve a problem facing all of us.
She says the West can afford stricter measures because we are industrialized
I don't remember ordering any potatoes
Astroturfed climate autist doing publicity stunts
Come on guys, how many heavily armed drones do you have? Try not to break the boat though, it’s made of propane and petroleum. We wouldn’t want to draw attention to the fact it’s built from non biodegradable hydrocarbons.
Not a single person in America gives a shit or even knows who she is. Are you being paid to drum up interest? Are you some kind of influencer with your spam? She's uninteresting. What's she's doung has been done before. She isn't original. She looks like she has enough financial backing to have an easy time of it, some spoiled brat and she isn't cute. The whole thing is dumb and your continued pedantic spam makes it look like you're on some marketing firms payroll.
Nobody gives a shit about whatever it's name was. Maybe if she dies at see there'll be a story for a couple days.
>south of Newfoundland
Leave 'er to me b'y.
she needs a us visa to go to the us
Greta's going to fuck you right wingers up the ass with a strap on whilst educating you on climate change. By the end you will be whimpering and begging for mercy.
Kek get'em Jarge.
When is Greta going to be legal? She is kinda cute.
I would pay good money to see her arrive without the correct documentation and end up in a camp for illegal immigrants.
How come she doesn't go to China or India?
She has obvious fetal alcohol syndrome you complete inbred degenerate.
Is it just me, or does it seem /pol's obsession with Greta is related to wanting to fuck her?
ah, very well. carry on then
it always goes that way
>/pol's obsession
yeah, no. not organic
This is the ONLY place she is being covered
Only place that's needing cleaning up is where all the diversity is at and that's lefty country.
No one cares
Because she only knows Swedish and English. Also, probably because she was told to come here, and/or she knows she'll be raped/murdered in China or India.
Why not both
More like one obsessed shill.
Seriously kys
>Face of climate change activism
She's also the face of fetal alcohol syndrome
God would she just fuck off already, no one cares. It's already been proven a simple economy flight to meet her globalist puppet masters would have emitted less than this ridiculous scene she's making
illuminati tranny
Swedish that's all you need to know
I'm not making these threads constantly.
>Are burgers prepared for Greta?
We are
Bunch of braindead boomers and sœy cúcks
Utterly pathetic. These people claim they are intelligent yet they are far from it.
It’s SWEDEN. Even 80 year olds are SJWs
What do you think the end goal of this pawn is? Not necessarily her, but whoever is giving her the money to do this.
Speaking of, anyone care to figure out the financial and environmental cost of her trip is going to cost by the end of it? Wouldn't taking a plane be cheaper environmental impact than taking the boat, considering what it takes to make and equip the boat.
Oddly, she has made no mention, that I have seen, of the countries making the most pollution- India, China, and all of Africa. just putting the blame on the country that has done the most to reduce their pollution impact. hmmmm. seems fuckey.
Her fucking ugly freak face
im ready to give her this BBC
What a Jewish argument.
That doesn’t even make objective sense.
No one here will pay her any attention.
HIspanics are white, we'll be okay
Americans are not ready for anything, literally nothing. Americans couldn’t handle a sick day these days.
I agree you guys love the BBC and can admit it as well where as they are sensitive
>bumpy and wet
Her fucking freaky austism.
Them 5 dudes will bust her open real good. She'll be walking like John Wayne when she gets off that boat !
She accomplished more at 15 than Jow Forums ever will. Bet she gets laid before the majority of this board, too.
Greta is my waifu
You can keep her. Europe doesn't want her.
So you like your waifus retarded?
Her face doesn't seem to have any of those features from the OP just really fucking bland and featureless. Like my pale asscheeks
Tbh why isn't she sailing to China? Do any anons know?
She'd fit in well in America. You could even make her a White House climate adviser.
What if on the very same day she set foot in the US, she somehow crossed the path of some nigger who smashes her head on the pavement, killing her. And the whole thing is filmed by a security camera.
Imagine the media witholding the video, claiming she was killed by climatoseptic nazis, until someone releases the video and it becomes viral on social media.
You will get the rope.
Oh, just another rich white fool doing rich white fool things. Who has the time to do what she's doing if you're a wageslave
Yes, it's odd that it has so much notoriety, while global scientific associations trying to prevent public opinion for 40 years, on topics above, without influencing the lobby and proposing real solutions.
But hey, his family is a friend with George Soros, so we're not going to say anything.
she will be detained and deported the moment she is within 100 miles of our coast, that is if Lord Emperor T doesnt BRRRRRRRTTTTTT her first
>kek y-you gUyS LoVe black cock hi hi
And you jerk off to cum eating cuckolds but then try and pray your gay away like a little bitch who has to take out your gay angst onto random internet strangers
It’s ok to be gay 2019, perhaps you didn’t get the memo but do us all a favor and come out of the closet already.
>Lord Emperor T
Stop shitting up this board with this goblino bitch.
No one here even believes in your bullshit Climate scam, you commie shit smear!
Stop posting this retarded, irrelevant shit here.
Go the fuck away.
Faceblindness is a sign of autism.
outright worship of Trump triggers leftists more than anything
You actually think you're slick, don't you, glownigger?
You're a fucking joke.
You don't survive what's coming for you, seditious traitor.
See you all real soon!
What the fuck are you talking about?
No H8, enjoy your downy waifu fren
>do it to epic troll dem goy XD XD
she is so fucking ugly and stupid i wouldnt even rape her because the kids would be fuckkkkked
>Any day now and I'll no longer be a faggot
Except she hasn't accomplished anything.
She has done absolutely nothing noteworthy. It's just a bunch of retards self-fellating vicariously through her.
I fuck white women I guess you could say that's gay ecause they do look like men
He's probably referring to her (hypocritical) celebrity, champagne socialist parents and (((globalists))) funding her propaganda campaign, which fits their narrative.
Based Greta.
She's gonna ban the burgers!
She's gonna ban the cars!
Aren't you clever?
You're so scared, I can feel it from here.
You know damn well that you will not stop what you've created.
We're coming.
case in point
friendly reminder that the poor girl is being used as a sex slave on this boat by the saudi's that funded and own the boat.