>do it to epic troll dem goy XD XD
Are burgers prepared for Greta?
she is so fucking ugly and stupid i wouldnt even rape her because the kids would be fuckkkkked
>Any day now and I'll no longer be a faggot
Except she hasn't accomplished anything.
She has done absolutely nothing noteworthy. It's just a bunch of retards self-fellating vicariously through her.
I fuck white women I guess you could say that's gay ecause they do look like men
He's probably referring to her (hypocritical) celebrity, champagne socialist parents and (((globalists))) funding her propaganda campaign, which fits their narrative.
Based Greta.
She's gonna ban the burgers!
She's gonna ban the cars!
Aren't you clever?
You're so scared, I can feel it from here.
You know damn well that you will not stop what you've created.
We're coming.
case in point
friendly reminder that the poor girl is being used as a sex slave on this boat by the saudi's that funded and own the boat.