Not everything is in the Bible, the Bible is a big book but the Bible doesn't contain every detail of the world and what it's happenings are. Maybe there were Neanderthals maybe there weren't, science says there were other Human species and I can believe that, if there were other Human species then it must mean God created them.
Jose Russell
The world of the bible started 6000 years ago with genesis 1 in the old testament long after Neanderthals went extinct so how did they exist before the world was created?
Asher Murphy
Where in the Bible or church tradition does it say explicitly that the world is 6000 years old? The Jewish calander is 6000 years old but Judaism is corrupt.
Henry Rodriguez
Oh and radio carbon dating of human (homo sapiens ) bones put them at way over 6000 years old.
Kevin Gutierrez
Well again, I don't see anywhere in the Bible or church tradition that the world is 6000 years old.
Jeremiah Brown
It's a chronological lineage from Adam to Noah that accounts the age of each son and father away the time of birth to the time of death
If you let a short sighted nigger read a book and spoke ebonics and you asked him about what he read, do you expect him to give you exactly what was in the book from his word?
No using exact dates and numbers specified by the bible.
Luke Miller
Top teir
James Ramirez
>Where does the neanderthal and human migration into mainland Europe ( based on carbon dating of bones ) fit in with your views of creationism. do you think Semites and the non-Semitic tribes in the middle-east knew about fucking Neanderthals when they composed the fucking oral traditions that would become the Bible?
Grayson Ramirez
My point is that they do not fit into either the Adam and eve story or the 6000 year old earth as described in the bible
Adam Scott
genesis isn't meant to be taken literally.
Isaac Jones
because the bible was composed in the Bronze Age and Neanderthals died out 30 000 years ago it's not difficult, and any Christian who does not deny science admits this the story of Eden is about the Fall of Man, and origin of our sin and why we suffer and die and need Jesus to be saved the imagery fits into a broader Indo-European mythological foundation it's just that the Sumerian and Semitic version is what ended up in the Bible
Hunter Kelly
"Infallible word of god"
Look If you are going to start changing the rules of the game because you are losing I would have gone with "the God of the bible isn't a literal God it's a metaphor for *insert gay ass cope*"
Hudson Perry
It's just simple maths. Because a certain person added up numbers it means the sum isn't real? >Theres a reason we score low on math and science on the global stage. Niggers, spics and women. Take non-persons out of the scores and see what happens. What "interpretation"? The scripture says God made the world and made the first around the same time as all of reality. It then proceeds to give ages for various figures in a specific lineage all the way up to actual known history. Using these numbers we can math our way back to the beginning of time described in the scripture. How can using scripture and simple maths be controversial?
Noah Butler
It doesnt. Neither does macro evolution. Nor prehistoric fossils. Nor carbon dating. Nor a round heliocentric earth. We are the artwork of a loving creator and we show his handiwork. All of these things you are taught regarding our history is false. A lie told with a purpose. Discover the reason for the lie and youll see behind the curtain
William Price
I'd like you to read the other posts in this thread about the bible's story of creation of the world and it being 6000 years old. That is what I was really asking about.
Aiden Fisher
Christ has a literal genealogy going all the back to Abram, Noah and Adam. Its presented in the scripture just for fun not to be taken seriously? What a prank
Ryder Hill
Friend, you don't understand what the Bible is. It also says that Adam and Eve were created, had sons, and those sons just got wives somewhere. Why not ask where they came from? Why trust the details of a creation story when the Earth is older than the ability to write?
Josiah Morales
I would make a move to refute your reply but by exposing your self as believing in these points you have ostracized yourself from your fellow Christians and invalidated your own argument allowing me to simplify my reply to....
>take your meds schizo.
Jason Hernandez
>>Le epic religious prank
Good one God.
Luis Cox
>>Why trust the story
Thank you for making this comment it has opened my eyes from now on I will stop believing what's written in the bible.
>I know this was an easy joke but you kind of walked into it.
Nathan Sanders
Just stopping by to say you're acting on assumptions about the nature of time and I'll pray for you
Caleb Watson
What assumptions about the nature of time.
>time dilation used to compress 16 billion years into an instant would be a great bible plot twist.
Brody Clark
Ok man, play by all the rules in place to keep you in a cage. This guy shows up towards the end of the book and kinda tells everybody to stop doing that, but you go ahead and keep doing it
Dominic Watson
Cage what kind of cage the one that keeps me bound by 2000 year old morals of a man who may or may not be God under the threat of hellfire. Or the more literal cage i would have been put into for questioning it 300 years ago.
Creationism is a heresy developed by Protestants rather recently.
Evan Flores
Good news! Only one cage left! Now, do you think you have the reading comprehension and critical thinking skills to figure out why that seemingly nonsensical book was suppressed so effectively until it was controlled? Or will you just trust what the people who allowed you to read it say it says?
Ryan Jenkins
You're misrepresenting what 'infallible word of god' even means let alone taking liberty with respect to interpreting the bible without tradition. This is why the protestant reformation was a big deal.
Ian Edwards
I think you'll find that up until recently (counter reformation) the catholic church beyond the earth is 6000 years old and since then they have aDC adopted a non literal interpretation meaning they can not pick any point they want out of the bible E.G heaven/hell were not literally places you go after death. Jeuses didn't literally walk on water.
Grayson Reed
There have been multiple attempts to bring humanity to enlightenment/Salvation. Believe it or not, this is not the first planet these attempts have taken place on. The migration is not an important marker, but the megalithic structures that stretch north from Egypt are. The carbon dating process for these structures is based on the organic material found within the structures, not the stones themselves. Humanity's best guess on dating these sites is based on their best guess when this material was deposited into the structures crevices. That said, the materials being tested are not an accurate marker for chronology, and cannot be proven accurately. In other words, the "science" is as flawed as the secondhand transcriptions taken from Jesus. Jesus was accurate. His "stenographers" had a difficult time taking dictation verbatim for several reasons, but if you had to pick one, it would be fear. Fear of reprimand from the authorities, fear of losing their families, and fear of losing reputation. Always bear that fact in mind when proclaiming religious doctrine is fraudulent. I always ask people on both sides of this question, show me one thing in the bible that Jesus actually wrote down. Both must admit that these writings do not exist. Don't blame Jesus for the bible writer's shortcomings. Just like you shouldn't base your data on chronology from external materials found within megalithic sites. Both have extreme flaws. We are heading towards the 4th cataclysm since humanity's creation cycle on this planet. Jesus was doing his best to teach a group of meek, uneducated, fear soaked followers about the current cataclysm cycle, and gave historical references to the creation of humanity during these lessons. The two are not interrelated, but that's how his transcribes wrote it. Just like how modern "science" dogma tries to pretend they KNOW how old megalithic structures are based on their understanding of external materials. They're too arrogant to admit they don't know.
Jaxon Perez
Which verse in the Bible claims that it’s the infallible word of god? You quoted it so you must know.
Leo Rogers
Have a good "1"...
Joseph Reed
>2224440856 You are the biggest idiot on the boards tonight, maybe ever.
The Bible claims to be infallible in 2 Peter 1:19, “We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable.” Peter continues with a description of how Scripture came to be: “No prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:20–21).
Also, we see infallibility implied in 2 Timothy 3:16–17, “All Scripture is God-breathed” and has the effect of producing servants of God who are “thoroughly equipped for every good work.” The fact that God “breathed” Scripture insures that the Bible is infallible, for God cannot breathe out error. The fact that the Bible equips God’s servants “thoroughly” for service shows that it guides us into truth, not error.
If God is infallible, then so will be His Word. The doctrine of Scripture’s infallibility is based on an understanding of God’s perfection of character. God’s Word is “perfect, refreshing the soul” (Psalm 19:7) because God Himself is perfect. Theologically, God is closely associated with His Word; the Lord Jesus is called “the Word” (John 1:14).
It should be noted that the doctrine of infallibility concerns only the original documents. Mistranslations, printing errors, and typos are obvious human mistakes and are easily spotted, most of the time. However, what the biblical writers originally wrote was completely free from error or omission, as the Spirit superintended their task. God is truthful and perfectly reliable (John 14:6; 17:3), and so is His Word (John 17:17).
Sebastian Phillips
Cool, I also agree the Bible is infallible. Good work for some dago
Anthony Lopez
>all scripture is God-breathed
This doesn’t mean every sentence in the Bible is literally factual, just that God has a reason for making it the way it is. Throughout the Bible you will find deep moral truths, teachings on life, and revelations about mankind’s relationship with God. The fact that jews traced their lineage to some guy who they said was the first guy, even though his descendants all married other people that had been living outside the garden, reveals many things about the human condition and was allowed by God to be put into His bible for a reason.
Ryder Miller
>even though his descendants all married other people that had been living outside the garden
that question is a perfect example of not understanding Christianity. no offense i mean it. and people will make fun but i don't care. personal salvation (nor from dantes inferno) real personal salvation is something you must come to and understand yourself. it really cant be put into words. i hope you find something like it one day, no matter what you call it. peace be to you
Ryan Davis
Creation took place over 15 billion years from our perspective. However, from the perspective of light traveling at light speed the universe is about 7 days old. See here for more:
Sebastian Cook
>Where does the neanderthal and human migration into mainland Europe ( based on carbon dating of bones ) fit in with your views of creationism. The literal interpretation of the creation story is a bit silly. The Bible was written to be understood by illiterates as well as the educated. There's a lot in the Bible that isn't meant to be taken literally, and there are other examples of things being "dumbed down" (e.g. Jonha and the fish, obviously a whale, but how many sand people knew the difference then?)
Christian here. Haven't even read the bible, I don't even plan to. It doesn't fit, it doesn't need to fit, it doesn't matter either way.
Parker Rivera
>Christian here. Haven't even read the bible, I don't even plan to. What is it with you Mexicans
Luke Adams
That’s like asking explain how “intersex” isn’t in the Bible when it clearly is oh so very scientifical. For the most part, none of the evolutionary timeline can be confirmed. No one was actually there to have witnessed it. I see questions like this as bait nonetheless. It’s a trap based on an assumption that the claim of some guys with an atheist agenda is true and the Christian needs to cuck himself into an arguable position. Demonstrate the Neanderthal migration beyond a doubt and maybe you’ll have a position to demand explanation. See what I’m doing here is the scientific method. Not blindly accepting the lore of some atheist priestly class.