Zoe Quinn, the epicenter of everything GamerGate, recently ran out of money and started making #MeToo allegations against former coworkers.
Well folks, have our first #MeToo suicide.
At the hands of Zoe fucking Quinn.
Zoe Quinn, the epicenter of everything GamerGate, recently ran out of money and started making #MeToo allegations against former coworkers.
Well folks, have our first #MeToo suicide.
At the hands of Zoe fucking Quinn.
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her accusation must have been true then
>beta orbiter soi boy offs himself
fuck niggers fuck kikes fuck cunts fuck normies and above all fuck jannies
Big if he left a note protesting his innocence.
suicide is not a confession
>killing yourself over some dumb whore
Honestly, he should've killed Zoe instead
womp womp. next
>anyone wanting to risk jail for that thing
Deluded trash.
Agreed. Would have sent a much stronger message.
We don't know
Imagine trying to dig your way out of false accusations. Id be tempted to end it all too
Zoe Quinn caused a suicide
what was he accused of?
Pity. His music for Aquaria and Night in the Woods were both astounding. He had a real musical talent and he wasted it on indie games.
Is this an image for ants?
False sexual harassment.
This is why guys should never hang out with girls by themselves. Always have a male witness or video footage present.
Imagine having such bad critical thinking skills that this is the best conclusion you're able to come up with after reading the OP.
why do the [spoiler]jannies[/spoiler] keep deleting these threads?
>your life is ruined everyone calls you a monster
Ya retard, you surely have to be guilty to feel the effect
>her accusation must have been true then
Not necessarily. To them you are guilty until you have proven that you are innocent. And even then it will be difficult because 'believe women'
You get loads of shit over you on social media.
They doxx you and your family, they track you and your family members down, harass your company, demand they sack you, beat you up or milkshake you…
This guys future in game development was over. Probably everywhere else too.
It's like in the dark ages where someone accused you, then gathered the whole town with stupid peasants together to come to your house; take your possessions, burn it down and tear you to pieces
Someone buy this based man a drnk
What other conclusion is there? He killef himself because some dumb whore accused him of BS.
When that happens and you lose everything then the right coursw of action is to track down and kill every Jew involved.
RIP to all the men we have lost, 1 known so far ;_;7
Will this make leftists rethink cancel culture, or will they revel in his death?
that's one of the most unerotic nudes i've ever seen. she looks like she smells of cat shit.
What exactly was he accused of doing?
>it's real
Damn Chelsea, we knew you'd do anything for a buck, but you have actually human blood on your hands now? Jesus.
Well, you wanted our attention again. You've got it. Wew lad.
They're basically feigning innocence and cluelessness. After mercilessly attacking the guy for days they're now oh-so shocked he killed himself.
Kinky sex play.
Ten years ago he was in a relationship with a feminist who hasn't had enough attention recently.
Why kill yourself when you can kill her? Suicide is the bitch way out.
>Ten years ago he was in a relationship with a feminist who hasn't made enough money recently.
>couldn't get wizards to kill themselves
>maybe try some game devs instead
Years later and I still can't figure why this fat, ugly, no-talent broad has any pull with anyone.
I think the better option would be to start a new life in South Brazil or something
Too small
Or that. I just don't understand when people's first instinct is to check themselves out. Run for the hills or run for the .45, but killing yourself is always the dumbest option.
jesus christ gamergate 2 is coming!!!!!
>tfw gamergate has a killcount but it’s at the hands of the journos and not the evil violent gamers they told us to worry about
I do not like that image.
You're lucky lucky because this pic is several years old.
In the mean time she became an obese ham beast
who the fuck would rape that?
This is what Eileen Mary Holowka looks like
The real victim
Did any of you gamergate nerds ever dig into the VanValkenburg family? If Chelsea was working with Anita and Silverstring Media that already puts her two degrees of separation away from actual glowniggers already.
What a fucking bitch
Why would anyone associate with a bluehaired jew roastie?
We get a lot of shit over here for being deranged but these people are legitimate sociopaths.
It's a male version of the Salem Witch Trials.
They're a satanic death cult so what do you think
Stupid games stupid prizes
Alright boys we can all let it go now. Nothing to see here.
With family like this who needs enemies. No wonder he killed himself.
>go outside and take care of someone
Oh, wait, you were with the lynch mob I bet.
>Years later and I still can't figure why this fat, ugly, no-talent broad has any pull with anyone.
White knights and other SJWs. Lefty media also supported her cos poor girl was attacked by those evil incels on Jow Forums.
If you look at her twitter or the one mentioned in OPs post then you'll she's still protected by a bunch of white knights
He just spontaneously killed himself for no reason.
Fuck women. They'd rather side with their fellow women instead of their family.
She actually never describes a rape happening, she says
A. He demeaned her during sex
B. He wouldn't let her have male friends
C. He fingered her while she walked around his apartment for a couple of hours straight.
Women are evil, they are celebrating this
>take care of someone
You can’t talk, bitch
This all a construct of the left.
Leftists gave Zoe Quinn a position of power. Leftists created the meme of demonizing men over the slightest allegations. Leftists where the ones who harassed/doxxed him.
Thank fuck I live in a white rural area of a red state.
Zoe might get a double kill.
remember that hospital user who posted in the early /ptg/ threads? he said he didnt have a great outlook, not sure what happened. we've lost a few
>A. He demeaned her during sex
That's foreplay to womeen like this
>B. He wouldn't let her have male friends
Smart. Maybe he wasn't such a turbocuck after all
>C. He fingered her while she walked around his apartment for a couple of hours straight.
Ah, the old "Tennessee Trailer Hitch". A classic. Not exactly something you could get away with doing against a woman's will without drawing enormous amounts of attention to yourself tho
0/10 Fake Rape is Fake
>C. He fingered her while she walked around his apartment for a couple of hours straight.
seems a tad difficult, but i admire his commitment.
Exactly what you describe is why you make yourself a pillar of integrity and kindness that also owns firearms.
TrannyEra shut it down because the optics were getting bad
These mental midgets are so completely intellectually disingenuous. They're morally ambivalent about this guy's death, no whiff of redemption possible, but murderous niggers in penetentiaries are deserving of restorative justice and rehabilitation over punitive incarceration. Respect their human dignity but fuck that other guy. I don't care about this particular faggot, but I do so hate their dishonesty and inability to follow a thought to its logical conclusion.
>called another dev a cunt
wow, they're really running out of things to accuse people of.
>Identifying yourself based on your hobby
You're a fucker loser, bud. Nothing wrong with playing games but basing who you are around it? Pathetic
psychopaths, user. sociopath is a bullshit word that means a person has one time thought of hitting someone with their car. psychopath is the proper term here.
I think the bigger question in all this is why would all these supposedly powerful and influential men in the gaming industry go after Zoe fucking Quinn of all people
People who use the lives of others should forfeit their own. She's still out there and able to cause more suffering time and time again.
Faggot mods are deleting all threads about it on /v/. They do NOT want people to know about it.
I decided to kill myself too today, there are many of us who just can't find a reason to continue with life. Anyway, ciao
What a weakling.
Unless you're Chad, then you have coworkers asking you why you HAVEN'T grabbed their ass yet- true story.
Don't make your death a waste. Use your life to do something, the worst they will do to you is what you wanted to do to yourself.
/v/ is shoahing all these threads over there right now
don't let them bury it
There was a guy who invented a way to make pussy smell like peaches but he was bullycided by buttblasted fish stank bitches
I posted about it on braincels but that got shoah'd and now I can't find it
The entirety of the #MeToo movement is yet another attempt at diluting an actual and important movement - and that is rooting out the rats that infest Hollywood, starting with Weinstein and Spacey. Everything else was thrown in as a distraction - the same shit that was pulled at Occupy Wall Street.
Useful idiots, the lot of them.
I think it's time to call for meme jihad
Go get some curry, bro. You'll feel better.
>/v/ is shoahing all these threads over there right now
So they've learned literally nothing in the past five years.
Millions of white men suffered and died in the Jew wars. A simple Roastie got her feelings hurt..and everyone gathers around her...
Ain't that the fucking truth.
Those bitches need to to be ruined
Atleast take a few people like these cunts with you user.
Don't do it. That's what (((they))) want you to do. Live in order to spite (((them))).
This. Fuck game devs
None of this will make any sense to you for as long as you keep holding on to the idea that what either ought or does guide people, or what people care about, are principles that are alleged to apply equally to everyone irrespective of an individual's inherent characteristics such as race and gender. Principles differ depending on the person under consideration.
It only looks intellectually dishonest if you make the assumption that there's this pretention of having a single set of rule that applies equally to all. That's never true.
If someone's black, then the rules are different than if he's white. If someone's a female, the rules are different than if it's a male.
These feminists are so fucking deranged, holy shit.
The wrong one. Its not a final solution. Just another problem waiting to be solved.
imagine accusing someone of sexual assault and using title IX resources at a university in a set up orchestrated by high society pedophiles in Hollywood to dismantle the foundation of American Justice where the institutions are grooming the next generation of gamers into useful educated fools.
Now imagine also being sodomized by radio industry pedophiles who work in conjunction with Hollywood.
Now imagine being the victim of being falsely accused by an attention whore and physically abused as a child. Imagine having to bring that up at every job interview as a digital paper trail follows you with every background check.
>its about the message not the money.
And then they wonder how people end up on "far right" discussion board.
I eneded up here because I'd get banned every where else when the migrant crisis began. Preventing people from talking about what they wanna talk about is a great way to push them to those places where they will be allowed to do so.
If these places also happen to believe in Jewish consparacies well then congrats you morons.