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Zoe Quinn caused a Suicide
Leo Cooper
Cooper Murphy
Millions of white men suffered and died in the Jew wars. A simple Roastie got her feelings hurt..and everyone gathers around her...
Samuel Phillips
Ain't that the fucking truth.
Those bitches need to to be ruined
Justin Miller
Atleast take a few people like these cunts with you user.
Benjamin Perry
Don't do it. That's what (((they))) want you to do. Live in order to spite (((them))).
Charles Fisher
This. Fuck game devs
Levi Gomez
None of this will make any sense to you for as long as you keep holding on to the idea that what either ought or does guide people, or what people care about, are principles that are alleged to apply equally to everyone irrespective of an individual's inherent characteristics such as race and gender. Principles differ depending on the person under consideration.
It only looks intellectually dishonest if you make the assumption that there's this pretention of having a single set of rule that applies equally to all. That's never true.
If someone's black, then the rules are different than if he's white. If someone's a female, the rules are different than if it's a male.
Bentley Parker
These feminists are so fucking deranged, holy shit.
Nicholas Martinez
The wrong one. Its not a final solution. Just another problem waiting to be solved.
imagine accusing someone of sexual assault and using title IX resources at a university in a set up orchestrated by high society pedophiles in Hollywood to dismantle the foundation of American Justice where the institutions are grooming the next generation of gamers into useful educated fools.
Now imagine also being sodomized by radio industry pedophiles who work in conjunction with Hollywood.
Now imagine being the victim of being falsely accused by an attention whore and physically abused as a child. Imagine having to bring that up at every job interview as a digital paper trail follows you with every background check.
>its about the message not the money.
Camden Peterson
And then they wonder how people end up on "far right" discussion board.
I eneded up here because I'd get banned every where else when the migrant crisis began. Preventing people from talking about what they wanna talk about is a great way to push them to those places where they will be allowed to do so.
If these places also happen to believe in Jewish consparacies well then congrats you morons.