You had those 3 guys who took down that Arab with an axe on that German train.
Owen Davis
She slammed not one, but two men? Why are men so weak?
Robert Peterson
It's hypocritical of them to expect male help, but yeah, pretty pathetic to watch a women get attacked and do nothing. I would help my worst enemy in that situation.
Logan Martin
>see man abusing woman >get involved >man and woman attack you >police arrive >man and woman say you started it
Eli Williams
How many bitches came to her defense? Check and mate.
Men aren't Captain Save A Hoe's anymore she was probably asking for it so fuck that feminist cunt.
Jaxon Parker
The fact that there was two of them is a bit sad, I mean, two-on-one doesn't really take much effort. They were probably a couple of weak soys if they had any doubt in winning such a one-sided fight. Women like to cheap-shot in situations like this as well, I bet she'd have helped.. What are you on about? lol
Lucas Johnson
Fuckin A
Evan Bennett
>Why are modern men becoming increasingly feeble, apathetic and weak? What the fuck? Probably afraid of getting metoo'd, or possibly afraid of her taking legal action should they interfere with her fetish.
Strong and independent and all off that
Leo Gutierrez
If I remember correctly, the guy attacking her was a refugee so any man who might've helped would've been tarred and feathered on social and in the media. Possibly even jailed by authorities. Don't you know brown people are untouchable?
Austin Morgan
That was americans
Jaxon Long
I was a security guard working on a train line between 2000 and 2004. The first time I saw it was at a stations carpark. Me and my partner ran over to help this chick and her friend who were getting kicked on the ground from this drunk dude. We took him down, one chick got up and started screaming and pulling at me saying 'its ok its ok he's just drunk please no police its all ok we are going to go home now'.
The second time was at another station, a guy started pushing and punching a woman. I run over to stop him, suddenly shes on my back trying to fucking claw and strangle me from behind.
This happened 5 times, woman getting beaten and then she turns around and attacks you for helping. Eventually on another time, it was on a almost empty carriage at the last service for the night. He starts doin the yelling and starring at her bit like abusive men do, gives her a slap and readies another. I come up to them, she starts to do the usual routine that all women do and I stop her and him both and go 'I don't care at all, don't do it on the train, wait until you get home then do whatever you both want'. The bitch literally looks at me with tears in her eyes but nods her head and the guy settles the fuck down while still death staring her.
Fuck em, they love it.
Isaac Ward
This same single mother will vilify and make false rape allegations on white men. But won't put all the blame on the people kicking her and making threats on her. It's the white mans job to defend and white knight her? Fuck off. She's a nobody to them and fucking would invite more refugees in.
Jose Harris
>help random woman >insane Paki stabs you in the fucking gut >as you bleed out you take solace in knowing you weren't racist and sacrificed yourself for a damsel in distress >M'lady pecks you on the cheek as everything fades to black >Doesn't matter, had sex
John Scott
They didn't want to use their "toxic masculinity."
You spend decades teaching them that any aggressive behavior or violence is bad, then whine when they act domesticated? I'm not saying what they did was at all honorable, but it shouldn't be surprising.
Michael Price
Joseph Ramirez
Those "men" should have stepped up to the plate and defended her.
Zachary Rogers
Britain is capital of clown world; I wouldn't be at all surprised
Jose Russell
>give feminist interviews >get attacked >not be equal to your attacker Topkek
Get a fucking load of this CUNT: >The fashion CEO is keen to stress she does not blame this man, who she desribes as being 6ft tall and of Southeast Asian descent.
>She said she believes he needs medical help but added the incident was 'terrifying'.
>Ms Cincik said: 'Children were crying and women were crying, it was awful. I wasn't crying I was in shock.
>'I remain more angry with those white middle class men who left me to it. As fathers, husbands and sons they should be ashamed of themselves.'
Brown rapist okay White man bad
>'im only a size 8'
Move over zoe, theres a new boss cunt in town.
Jonathan Gomez
Ayden Morris
Its unfortunately true. You should never get involved in domestic disputes because so often the woman your "helping" will take the abusers side. In this case, what would have happened had those men helped her? The next day the papers would have read Two Whites Beat Black on Subway
William Cox
Women who want men to help and protect belong in the kitchen.
Hunter Young
Helping women is stupid. At best, nothing happens to you. At worst, you get dragged into some female drama horseshit. There is never a good reason to help strange women. Besides, they are strong and independent, they can fend for themselves.
Joseph Brooks
>get attacked and almost raped by muslim >still blame white man what a timeline this is
Dylan Walker
Get attacked by a paki having a sexual emergency, and then somehow still find a way to blame whitey. Incredible.
Michael Sanders
Fuck whores, they deserve all the punishment they get.
I thought you pricks just fine people for tickets.
Gavin Johnson
can confirm women are retarded >be outside the club, smoking >2 dudes yellin at this bitch, back against the wall >we step in, scrap a little >5 minutes later the bitch is cussing at us these people were 90IQ untermensh.. but still.
Juan Gomez
>London >man attacked women >white man left they didnt want to be accused of racism. they didnt want to lose their jobs as result they didnt want to lose their families as result you reap what you sow you got rid of patriarchy
it happens though, especially when women doesnt consider you more attractive then the other guy
Christopher Campbell
What makes you think that a woman who’s job is to constantly critique others looks is a “good person” ? Maybe they knew she wasn’t and was getting her karma back?
Sebastian Parker
>women claim they are the same as men and can do anything we do >complain when this turns out to be a lie
Christian Miller
Justin Butler
It can happen.
James Butler
Men and women are equal. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Jonathan Morris
Why does she feel entitled to the help of those two white men? She's strong and independent right.
This is the future you chose.
Charles Reyes
Nobody is willing to even break a sweat to help some whining old roastie mutt,
Christopher Foster
i thought she was equal to men? isnt that what these rich liberal CEOs say? equal pay and all that?
Lucas Smith
>who she desribes as being 6ft tall and of Southeast Asian descent
Kek! Jow Forums is always right, they brought them in, they can deal with the shit that comes with it. toll paid
Noah Lopez
This is the future you asked for cunts.
Andrew Davis
i dunno if that was your autocorrect messing up or what, but the arab actually had an AK47 not an axe.
he knows, did you even read his comment you tard
Dylan Rodriguez
women are property or they are not
Cameron Ortiz
Why is she whining, don't feminist want weak effeminate men?
Henry Davis
>Women are strong! >Men: "Okay, you got this!" >Wah! How could this happen??? You're either equal or need help. Pick one.
Kayden Jones
In Britain? Those white men would have ended up in jail and got murdered by muslims. They did the right thing by not helping that slag. Don't act surprised.
Liam Evans
Happens all the time, its why the police used to ignore domestics. Cunts like being hit.
Chase Rodriguez
Those two Pakis should've knifed this kike piece of shit. She wanted those shitskins brought here and now she gets to enjoy living amongst them.
Jaxson Jones
She's 50 and non white. I wouldn't give the steam off my piss for some whining old roastie.
Wyatt Ward
I see this all the time on muni in San Francisco. All the crime is niggers and they exclusively attack Asians and women. The only time I intervene is when it’s an elderly person. Asians I don’t care about, they’re awful and shouldn’t be here and women voted for this so fuck them. I let them get robbed. It’s not worth getting caught on camera and getting called a violent racist for getting a purse back.
im not risking myself or the life of my family for some bitch. not my problem at the end of the day im afraid.
Wyatt Perry
In all seriousness never ever EVER lift a finger for a woman in a Liberal society. You WILL be recorded, prosecuted and the woman will be held unaccountable and never so much as say a contradictory word towards your defense. Women? Honor? Fool! The society is against you, the women are submissive to the society, they will signal loyalty to the society by pulling out their phones and recording you. You see an urbane bourgeois woman in a Liberal society being attacked by a man, you laugh. This is her comeuppance for engineering a society where the police have a monopoly on violence defense and retaliation, and the importation of predatory aliens and the deconstruction of her male protectors authorities. Boo fucking hoo, bitch. Equal rights equal lefts.
>see any two people having an altercation >yell at top of lungs, "POLICE GET ON THE GROUND NOW" >"HANDS UP GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND" >This almost always works because people are stupid shit >If it doesn't work you can just casually walk away because they won't do anything
Cameron Robinson
>Am I the only one that finds this incredibly sad? No, it's based af, women will never, ever be equal to me.
Carter White
She thinks those white men are her slaves I guess even though she never makes them a sandwich or suck their cocks. Toxic feminist entitlement
Jason Harris
I’m not 100% sure I’d put my ass on the line to protect a stronk, intellijent womyn in this day and age... I guess it would depend on the situation.
Nathan Ortiz
We used to them gumbys
Joshua Jackson
congrats on reproducing manlet
Dylan Garcia
I remember this video there were these niggers fighting outside a restaurant; it was a man and a woman beating each other or some such. A whole croud had gathered around watching the spectacle like a zoo exchibition it was so weird. So this white-ish guy comes in. He was trying to brake the fight, pulling them appart and trying to block their punches, both the nigger and the niggress flailing around like some wild animals and cussing. The niggress was especially egregious in her punching. Eventually the nigger backs out and the white-ish guy is left literally getting punched by the niggress for whatever fucking reason. He was trying to block her spitefull punches like you'd expect and this went for QUITE a while weirdly. Everybody kept watching including the niggers that were beating her.
Eventually he had enough and gave the niggress a mild wack. INSTANTLY niggers jumped on him sucker punched him in the back and kicked his shit out while the whole croud went in an uproar.
William White
It happened to me outside of a bar. Guy was slapping around a woman. I stepped in, not knowing they were related (aunt, nephew), both gang up on me, cops eventually show up, they said I started it. Luckily the bar had a camera outside. Didn't pay for a drink for the rest of the night.
Isaac Hernandez
Women for the last 50 years have reminded men that we are entitled to nothing. Well then, they are entitled to nothing either. Get into trouble? Defend yourself.
Brayden Robinson
When man had his rightful spot as the superior sex then we had no issue helping the lessor sex. Women are on a power trip in the current year so smart men avoid these sassy whores like the plague.
Sebastian Fisher
She’s a Turk FYI.
James Morgan
m8 if you so much as shoved this manic foreign attacker or caused him to stub his toe, the police, the papers, and the feminists would see to it that you did 5 years in jail for sure.
This womanh opens with "my attacker was not at fault" before rounding on evil white men.
Until the law is changed here to make good Samaritans completely immune from prosecution, no matter what the outcome, you'd be an idiot to come to anyone's aid, most of all this silly bitch.
Ethan Ward
Women aren't worth protecting anymore unless you already know them. Also, they want to be equals, and they vote to bring in such human garbage, and they vote for welfare, and they vote for the oppressive nanny state, and they still consume more than they produce, they get favoritism in every facet of life – let them deal with it. If you're some random whore you're simply not entitled to my body for defence. If the girl is modestly dressed and seems innocent I might make an exception but basically you're on your own bitch.
Henry Robinson
Impersonating a police officer is a felony idiot.
Colton Gray
nah those are the transport authority fuckheads. We were contracted security guards, I dunno if they still have em these days.
Jonathan Harris
thanks. i cant stand other manlets like myself complaining about height. my wife is 5'1 and 3 inches is more than enough
Jacob Carter
jesus are you fuckers still going on about this this was fucking ages ago
First off; I highly doubt this ever happened; but let's pretend it did. If they interfered they would be complained about either way for something else like attempted rape. Feminist can defend themselves, as we are told men and women are equal. Also check your privilege assuming she needed help. Thank god media needed to inform us about that she has some fashion company while giving just her side of the situation where she is a victim. This is an advertisement; companies pay for this form of exposure. It's been a long time since normal advertisement worked, but these things do.
Im glad im in the usa where we can legally shoot these criminals. Just mag dump.
Nicholas Sullivan
Nice fantasy faggot
Ryan Phillips
> be me pajeet >on overground train. >pajeeta gets on train with whiteboifren >seethe internally. > pajeeta faints to the ground >whiteboy doesnt know what to do. >think of options 1. press alarm at staion so driver can get help. 2. put her in recovery postion. 3. give her bottle of water. > do nothing. get off train zero fucks given. > realize white knight days are over . thanks pol.
Aiden Davis
I don't really care. Usually the worst that happens to a woman is someone rapes her pussy. If a man intervenes he could lose his life. Her pussy is not worth more than my life. Her pussy is not worth a visit to the hospital. Her pussy is worth nothing to me. If she wanted protection she should have not been a roastie.
No shit dude, that's why you don't actually arrest them and get caught. Thugs aren't going to snitch so you can do whatever you want to them and get away with it.
Benjamin Thompson
>I don't need no man, I'm an independent strong womyn >haha, daddy, are you sad because I'm dating an Arab? You bigot >ayy, whitey why are you angry? Because I chose this Arab over you? How racist. I knew whitey were insecure >white men help! It's your duty to help a woman!!! A man should not interfere with God's will. This hoe had it coming, and it's not our duty to die for her bad choiches.
not even trying to sound edgy, whenever men white knight for strange women in public i get extremely angry with them (the men)
Luis Hernandez
Who gives a shit what this cunt is whining about. For decades now women have been telling us they don't need men. White male privilege, consensual sex is rape, girl power, 110lb women kicking men's asses in the movies and on TV, etc. etc. Fuck this whiny cunt. Defend yourself bitch unless you are my wife or a daughter or niece, or the daughter of a friend.
Isaac Perry
Kys you fucking pathetic orbiter
Jeremiah Hall
Shut the fuck up you nigger loving try hard faggot. Fuck you. Fuckin' mothafuckin' cocksuckin' piece a SHIT!
Besides that seeing white women with agressive negros in public isn’t rare anymore and if you do you’re expected to think that they’re in a relationship having a lovers tiff.
Ethan Wilson
>get part and parcel'd in london >blame bystanders without forgetting to tell everyone they were white men Fuck it, the white guys should have helped the nigger/muslim attack her.
Michael Gonzalez
>Risk getting injured or being sued for injuring the attacker OR >Mind your own business with zero risk or hassle
If they did save her they probably wouldn't get anything in return. When there is no reward why take the risk?
Camden Foster
Let it be known women. I will not risk my life or livelihood to protect your stupid ass. Like you would risk your life for mine. Fuck you. Feminist made me this way. Equal rights, bitches.
Kevin Perry
Caleb Russell
>Am I the only one that finds this incredibly sad?
You fucking faggot
No one defends WHORES anymore.
They wanted the same rights, they got the same duties.
Fuck you, white knight faglord.
Connor Rodriguez
Be careful with what you wish, wahmen. Raspect has its limits.