Fuckin A
Woman is attacked by a man in public
>Why are modern men becoming increasingly feeble, apathetic and weak? What the fuck?
Probably afraid of getting metoo'd, or possibly afraid of her taking legal action should they interfere with her fetish.
Strong and independent and all off that
If I remember correctly, the guy attacking her was a refugee so any man who might've helped would've been tarred and feathered on social and in the media. Possibly even jailed by authorities. Don't you know brown people are untouchable?
That was americans
I was a security guard working on a train line between 2000 and 2004.
The first time I saw it was at a stations carpark. Me and my partner ran over to help this chick and her friend who were getting kicked on the ground from this drunk dude. We took him down, one chick got up and started screaming and pulling at me saying 'its ok its ok he's just drunk please no police its all ok we are going to go home now'.
The second time was at another station, a guy started pushing and punching a woman. I run over to stop him, suddenly shes on my back trying to fucking claw and strangle me from behind.
This happened 5 times, woman getting beaten and then she turns around and attacks you for helping.
Eventually on another time, it was on a almost empty carriage at the last service for the night. He starts doin the yelling and starring at her bit like abusive men do, gives her a slap and readies another. I come up to them, she starts to do the usual routine that all women do and I stop her and him both and go 'I don't care at all, don't do it on the train, wait until you get home then do whatever you both want'.
The bitch literally looks at me with tears in her eyes but nods her head and the guy settles the fuck down while still death staring her.
Fuck em, they love it.
This same single mother will vilify and make false rape allegations on white men. But won't put all the blame on the people kicking her and making threats on her. It's the white mans job to defend and white knight her? Fuck off. She's a nobody to them and fucking would invite more refugees in.
>help random woman
>insane Paki stabs you in the fucking gut
>as you bleed out you take solace in knowing you weren't racist and sacrificed yourself for a damsel in distress
>M'lady pecks you on the cheek as everything fades to black
>Doesn't matter, had sex
They didn't want to use their "toxic masculinity."
You spend decades teaching them that any aggressive behavior or violence is bad, then whine when they act domesticated? I'm not saying what they did was at all honorable, but it shouldn't be surprising.
Those "men" should have stepped up to the plate and defended her.