I am absolutely sick and tired of these damn e-scooters being left all over my yard.
What would happen if I took them to the metal recycler? They make them out of hefty ass metal which should net a tidy profit.
I am absolutely sick and tired of these damn e-scooters being left all over my yard.
What would happen if I took them to the metal recycler? They make them out of hefty ass metal which should net a tidy profit.
Other urls found in this thread:
Just do it and comeback and tell us what happened
Just find the first drugged out looking hobo and give it to them. Make him give you a cigarette and as much change as he has. Just tell him it has a huge battery, they love batteries for some reason.
Just get a hack saw and quickly cut the frame at night.
These fucking companies need to learn to protect their property better.
They have GPS trackers and will come to collect them if they notice someone has more than one at their house. They remain property of the scooter company and you would get charged with felony theft and property destruction.
Can I sue them for their property being left on my property (land) constantly?
Complain to the city.
>zoomer abandons scooter on amerilard’s front lawn
>cited by HOA
>cops come and arrest you for theft of property
>sued by scooter companies
Land of the “””free”””
Also, chucking them violently off your property might damage them, so you certainly don't want to do that when there's no witness around. That would be bad.
There is a towing company in Cali that got sick of their shit and started impounding them at the request of property owners. They have 1000's. One of the companies paid them, but now are being jews and claiming the tow company stole them.