>One of Hollywood’s favorite practices is to demonize Mexico (and Latin America in general) as a grotesquely lawless setting where hope has no place. This, in turn, dehumanizes anyone who lives there or comes from there.
Rambo leaves leftist buttblasted
What about time when Rambo helped Al Quida in Pakistan?
based Stallone
Moussa: You do not look like men Griggs sent before. You not look like you are with military.
John Rambo: I'm not.
Moussa: What you are? Mercenary?
John Rambo: No.
Moussa: You're not with military, not mercenary - what you are? Lost tourist?
John Rambo: I'm no tourist.
Zaysen: [over the chopper's radio] Drop the weapons! Now! You have no chance of escape! Come forward! I wish to take you back alive! This is your last warning! The choice is yours!
Colonel Trautman: What do you say, John?
Rambo: Fuck 'em!
[Shoots at one of the Soviet trucks with his grenade launcher]
Stallone has raped countless children like the rest of those in Hollywood
Colonel Trautman: You expect sympathy? You started this damn war! Now you'll have to deal with it!
Zaysen: And we will. It is just a matter of time before we achieve a complete victory.
Colonel Trautman: Yeah, well, there won't be a victory! Every day, your war machines lose ground to a bunch of POORLY-armed, POORLY-equipped freedom fighters! The fact is that you underestimated your competition. If you'd studied your history, you'd know that these people have never given up to anyone. They'd rather DIE, than be slaves to an invading army. You can't defeat a people like that. We tried! We already had our Vietnam! Now you're gonna have yours!
-- Colonel Trautman
Ouchie ouchie
Diversity is devouring my gonads!
Jesus fucking christ. I've seen a lot of things but this is brutal as fuck. I think it's time to get my permit for a handgun.
The victim is a rapist who some gang is executing. So he probably did something pretty crazy in the first place.