Thread for discussing, discovering and researching natural laws. Following and applying natural laws are the keys to the kingdom for the human race, there are no other laws other then natural laws, this includes human "law".
The basic human needs for food and water were applied againts the iraqis by US forces when they cut off, for example, an iraqi villages watersupply when that villages residents, if I remember correcly, did not want to be biometrically catalogued. They resisted at first but when the water supply was cut off they complied with the demands of enemy forces that had killed hundreds of thousands of their own people. VERY POWERFUL!
Human beings must act according to their beliefs and because humans believe in almost any kind of nonsense it has caused us alot of grief in the past and the present:
The human body reacts positively to the ingestion of good food and liquids, negatively to bad ones and poisons. VERY BASIC that only a few understand and apply.
See the amount alcohol, drugs, fluoridated water being ingested by humans. So simple yet so important.
Justin Edwards
Does anyone have the link for James Mason's website? Google is hiding it.
>Milgram (1963) was interested in researching how far people would go in obeying an instruction if it involved harming another person. Stanley Milgram was interested in how easily ordinary people could be influenced into committing atrocities, for example, Germans in WWII.
He found that 65%! of the subjects would harm another human being if being told to do so by an authority figure in that experiment. Look at what soldiers do in wars. Interestingly enough from the above link:
>The agentic state – people allow others to direct their actions and then pass off the responsibility for the consequences to the person giving the orders. In other words, they act as agents for another person’s will.
>Milgram suggested that two things must be in place for a person to enter the agentic state:
>The person giving the orders is perceived as being qualified to direct other people’s behavior. That is, they are seen as legitimate. The person being ordered about is able to believe that the authority will accept responsibility for what happens.
>Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance.
>Aim >Festinger and Carlsmith (1959) investigated if making people perform a dull task would create cognitive dissonance through forced compliance behavior.
>Method >In their laboratory experiment, they used 71 male students as participants to perform a series of dull tasks (such as turning pegs in a peg board for an hour). They were then paid either $1 or $20 to tell a waiting participant (a confederate) that the tasks were really interesting. Almost all of the participants agreed to walk into the waiting room and persuade the confederate that the boring experiment would be fun.
>Results >When the participants were asked to evaluate the experiment, the participants who were paid only $1 rated the tedious task as more fun and enjoyable than the participants who were paid $20 to lie.
>Conclusion >Being paid only $1 is not sufficient incentive for lying and so those who were paid $1 experienced dissonance. They could only overcome that dissonance by coming to believe that the tasks really were interesting and enjoyable. Being paid $20 provides a reason for turning pegs, and there is therefore no dissonance.
Humans can paid to lie and being paid enough with inherently worthless money removes the cognitive dissonance of lying to others. The same money that TPTB control the creation and distribution of, not all of it ofcourse.
Asher Phillips
The law of force: Watch vids of people getting robbed, people getting beat up, wars. Law of force in action. Works everytime in nature.
Lincoln Martin
And not just paid to lie. Paid to hurt others, paid to kill. Paid to have sex with someone.
Leo White
Some of you anons must be interested in this right?
Nigger can you talk about natural law and not shit their psychology?
Julian Rogers
During a crisis the people will blame some external cause instead of their own lack of knowledge.
During past economics crises the external causes blamed have been to name a few, the rich, bankers, foreigners, other nations or organisations(IMF, world bank...)
The maunder minimum, during which the planets climate cooled and about 25% of the worlds population perished(if I remember correctly), was blamed on witches and resulted in witchburning and drownings.
I know of the golden ratio but not much more. When I learn more I will post it in future threads.
Its called true knowledge. Because TPTB understand our nature they know which buttons to press to guide our behaviour. True knowledge is power.
I don't believe the OP doesn't know about Passio. What I'm wondering is why he/she decided not to link to any of his stuff.
Landon Perez
Wat?? Name your thread behavioral science general not natural law general.
I can’t see why so many of you psychology fags think you’re uncovering the nature of the universe like Newton or Einstein when really all you’re doing is worrying about people’s feefees.
Take humans out of the equation. What do you have left? A theory on how planets rotate? Why seasons change? Can you calculate the lift of an air balloon? Of course not.
Jace Ramirez
Ass so round Fibonacci would smash
Jose Morales
That's exactly why I asked the question. Glad to know I'm not the only one scratching my head.
Havent read Bastiat but I like him already: >The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!
There are way more natural laws then the ones Mark Passio lectures on. Also I believe hes still a satanist with an agenda.
Wyatt Walker
I ordered The Kybalion (in portuguese) last saturday. I have tried to read an english version on the computer 6 times over the last 8 years. It's like something stops me from continuing after the 3rd or 4th chapter. Hopefully I'll be able to read it in it's entirety this time.
>There are way more natural laws then the ones Mark Passio lectures on. Passio advocates only one law: do not steal.
>Also I believe hes still a satanist with an agenda. Me too. It's weird, man.
David Fisher
I do want to know what makes people tick because that knowledge can move mountains.
That human beings act according to their beliefs is a natural law.
Daniel White
It’s a truism you dunce. It’s the fallacy of all behavioral accounts of human interaction.
Try to reduce any behavioral account of human action. And try to remove the word belief from there. Why did jack avoid the ice?? He believed he would slip and fall. You cannot do it.
You’re figurative argument is laughable. You want to move a mountain? Newton’s figuring out that the moon is actually falling gave us the science to send us to the fucking moon.
>Ignore or deny information that conflicts with existing beliefs
Jackson Rodriguez
Natural law is irrelevant; substance can't be quantified, only its limitations of behavior. Your supposed awe is ill-conceived, and your endeavor to define and name the components of life is an impotent display of hubris.
Andrew Cooper
Thank you for the (you) see my posts...
Can you tell me how you are living up to the name of natural law general by discussing behavioral science??
No. Do the psychologist thing and give me some sort of diagnosis.
Tell me. Mr. natural law. Does any of this great science you have here make a cell phone? Does it help us calculate blood pressure?? Can it explain the resistance of a material when conducted with electricity???
Jesus the usefulness of this information your touting is great for Disney trying to figure out of to get people to spend more time and money in their parks, or for Jeff bezos to figure out how to squeeze more money from sales.
Are these the mountains you’re trying to move??
Please address my issue that you have incorrectly addressed your thread. Maybe idk offer an argument against it rather than implying any disagreement with your view is cognitive dissonance.
Chase Adams
Also, take the word BELIEF out of your argument.
The universe isn’t the way it is because we believe it is a certain way. You’re just proving my point here...
Natural laws are all the laws that govern this reality, not limited to human psychology. Its everything from math, physics, chemistry, psychology, climate cycles... That includes the science to make a cellphone. calculate bloodpressure, the resistance of a material when conducted with electricity.
The reason I have written about human psychology is because Im interested in it.
The point of this thread was to discuss, discover and research natural laws.
Mason James
>Law is justice. And it is under the law of justice — under the reign of right; under the influence of liberty, safety, stability, and responsibility — that every person will attain his real worth and the true dignity of his being. It is only under this law of justice that mankind will achieve — slowly, no doubt, but certainly — God's design for the orderly and peaceful progress of humanity.
Bastiat was a game changer for me. It's an easy read. Hope you enjoy it. I think it should be required reading for all.
Parker Collins
For example we know that iron is heated to a temperature of 2000C it melts and it melts everytime, its a natural law.
Natural laws are not tendencies. This means they can’t be broken. This means things MUST happen a certain way. Research into human behavior attempts to explain TENDENCIES of humans.
If you want to research and discover natural law don’t waste you’re time with these sources. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re actually uncovering LAWS of nature. You’re merely attempting to explain human tendencies.
It really comes down to this... In thousands of years since we’ve been standing upright there have been maybe idk 200 or so individuals who produced some sort of deeper explanation into how it is the universe works.
This explosion of psycho analysis and behavioral therapy that’s developed in the last 100 years offers absolutely nothing to that end. Remove it and you lose none of our progress.
Now if you want to argue that there is a theory of everything, that’s different. I’m still telling your thread is mislabeled shit, and your argument is dismissive and ineffective.
Human pyschology has nothing to do with natural laws that can’t be broken. It has everything to do with “I might do this because I feel like it”
Caleb Perez
Yeah human psychology does not translate to laws, I shouldn have called them laws, human tendencies are a better way to describe human behaviour.
Camden Foster
>natural law >Maslows hierarchy of needs You must be joking
Cameron Allen
This a thread for discussion, discovery and research of natural laws and were already making progress according to the mission statement of this thread.
Christian Nelson
Joseph Lewis
And as OP you admit to failing, that’s ten Hail Marys
Fuck off, Fabian Socialist. You won't Zog me with your Jewish mind tricks.
Elijah Allen
I think I can call the earth climate cycles a natural law, since the earths climate is never static and does not and has not always warmed or cooled.
Easton Nguyen
Are finns retarded? >natural law >kybalion
Tyler Cook
so what we're searching for is cultural universals then? Tendencies are cultural convergence, a steady state depends on both location, time and who is observing it. It is inherently "evolutionary" and "historical". If you want to find the non-temporal component of natural law, keep tracing it back, there is a structure, but it predates humanity and possibly even life. Maslow's needs suppose stagnation and order in human behavior, it is de-historicizing, marking humans out in the here and now as non-temporal, which is directly opposed to reality. read Deleuze.
Daniel Thomas
Oh boy you read the Rofschild archive. On that note, The Kybalion seems like disinfo because of how popular it is.
Joshua Cruz
>read Deleuze
Will do.
>Oh boy you read the Rofschild archive.
>On that note, The Kybalion seems like disinfo because of how popular it is.
The audiobook version of The Kybalion is on libravox for free.
Aiden Bennett
Please share some of what you know.
Justin Sanchez
The Kybalion is popular because it puts hermetic philosophy into layman's terms. At least 90% of people who read The Kybalion dont go any further than that, which is not what it is meant for. Hermetics isn't something you simply read, it has to be studied or you will only fill your head with words that you half understand. If you read the Kybalion first, it makes more advanced hermetists like Evola, Paracelsus, Basil Valentine, Boehme, Guenon, etc easier to interpret.
Levi Mitchell
im the one who shills Mark Passio
Natural Law is two categories. >Objective Morality >Physics and here is how you divide the two branches of Physics in pic
Math is simply another language. It can be deconstructed and learned like the rest.
If you’ve been paying any attention though you would have noticed that the powers that be have been attempting to profane arithmetic itself as of recent.
Yeah its the best on the board right now, so of course is getting almost no attention.
Mentioned the Rothschild archive earlier that OP is clearly familiar with. If you haven't read it, read it. Just search for it using the misspelling "Rofschild"
William Hernandez
I Hate How You US People Randomly Capitalize Words For No Reason
Christopher Hill
oh dudes. get the ARK Nassim Haramein Drunvalo Melchezedek (word in the bible) Zachary K Hubbard (227) Letters and Numbers Derek Tikkuri (227) Scott Onstott Secrets in Plain Sight Carl Munck The Code Brien Foerester Pythagorus
And if you just go through all of Mark Passios old podcast you will get more leads.
Anons. I went to Marks workshop the day after Anarchadelphia. The entire time he was yelling at us to get the shit we need and put out our own material.
There is absolutely ZERO chance that Mark does not genuinely care about what is going on. The person is full of hate and rage. But hes a fucking nerd who understands if government continues the species will go extinct or worse
Landon Wood
>substance can't be quantified infinite space within a finite boundary cock sucker
I just read the long form description of episode 201 on castbox. If you are looking for true occult knowledge, do not listen to mark passio. He isn't de-mistifying anything, hes presenting it from the skewed interpretation of guy who claims to be a former satanic priest.
Angel Hall
>Can you tell me how you are living up to the name of natural law general by discussing behavioral science?? Natural Law is a force in the universe that will reward or punish BEHAVIOR of free will(sentient) beings who possess the faculties to understand what a right is.
>The Kybalion seems like disinfo because of how popular it is. Jerking off is disinfo too
Jacob Lewis
'Natural' is a catch-all term. Natural is anything you can prove.
Adrian James
Topics: Evil is more powerful than Good on Earth, the Human Condition is Slavery, the Law of Freedom, how most people see Good and Evil vs. what these conditions actually ARE, Natural Law Expressions, Love vs. Fear, the relationship between Human Consciousness and the Expressions of Natural Law, Entropy vs. Syntropy, how Dark Occultists control Human perception by controlling available information, how much easier it is to turn people toward the service and goals of Evil than toward the service and goals of Good because of their colossal ignorance, Ignorance is the root of all Evil, all human beings within Government are Bad People and so are those who condone Government, Nescience vs. Ignorance, the Truth is not really hidden, Humanity is in the time of cosmic Judgement, what does it mean to be a truly Good Person, the Objective difference between Right behavior and Wrong behavior, Moral Relativism is the Destroyer of ALL Freedom, Internal contradictions within Human Consciousness, most human beings are not truly Good People, Intention is ultimate meaningless and Action is ultimately all-important, the endless excuses people make for not learning Objective Morality and doing the Great Work, Complicity in Evil through Silence, Complicity in Evil through Cowardice, the Generative Principle of Care, the Great Work, Service to Truth, the Religious mindset of the left-brained Newtonian materialist worldview, free Will and Natural Law as the Random and Deterministic components of Creation, the necessity of Self-Respect and Courage to conquer Fear, the process of Internal Shadow Work, the Self-Defense Principle vs. Violence, the Law of One, Unity Consciousness, >continued
Jacob Gonzalez
the Castration and domestication of European citizens and the increase in swiftness of the destruction of Human Rights in Europe, the Practice of Self-Defense, Terrain Theory, Diet, Exercise, Raw Food, Veganism vs. Militant Veganism, transitioning to Vegetarianism and Veganism, human Freedom and Veganism, Gematria, Sports Arenas as centers of ritualized focus of mass-consciousness, re-directing human energy from Sports to worthwhile pursuits, Synchromysticism.
Nigger taxation is “theft”, can’t have the IRS then... plz post on /x/
Jacob Sullivan
Just so you anons are aware. The ARK drive has a fuckload of content on it and its stored offline. Absolutely perfect for our situation of censorship and guaranteed chaotic SHTF scenarios>suppressed energy folder
Yes, like I said just finished reading that. He either knows little to nothing about occult philosophy, or hes purposely being dishonest by weaving in ancap rhetoric.
Eli Morris
>And if you are what can you say about those who cannot understand good and evil? What law governs them? everyone is governed(controlled) by physics. Morality effects only those who have the ability to comprehend. The more moral you are the more you are rewarded by God. (rebellion with bullets against a satanic empire is rewarded, even if you die) watch this presentation for shit that everyone is afraid to say
>Nothing will change unless people start getting violent. the problem is violence. What we need to do is end the violence with force. That MUST be done through words initially but ultimately is a form of something more physical
>The more moral you are the more you are rewarded by God. (rebellion with bullets against a satanic empire is rewarded, even if you die) You're a fucking fool. You let a man made ideology get in the way of the one thing true thing your God gave you. You family and race. Blood and Race first. Everyone else second. You are literally brainwashed by Jewish dogma, otherwise, you that book wouldn't contain narrations following the Jewish race.
I dont need 1000 hours of faux occult "de-mistification". Mark Passio is what the true ancient Initiates would call "puffers" and "those who burn charcoal", toiling around charcoal fires like moths, trying to turn lead into gold, unable to interpret the similtudes and metaphors of the Royal Art.