Natural law general /NLG/
Quick maths
I dont need 1000 hours of faux occult "de-mistification". Mark Passio is what the true ancient Initiates would call "puffers" and "those who burn charcoal", toiling around charcoal fires like moths, trying to turn lead into gold, unable to interpret the similtudes and metaphors of the Royal Art.
Are you willing to recommend some books to us anons in this thread?
They burned them all.
An Ice Age that cant be prevented due to Solar Cycles, and an Economic Collapse due to kikes pulling your Economic Plug are two seperate things faggot
this is a good start if you haven't already checked it out you may want to.
Sacred Geometry is for people who don’t understand basic mathematics.
?? As long as your alive, its all good right? Doesnt matter if the bolshevik cops decide to fuck your wife for the night right?
You are an absolute coward