Strasserite here. Ama

fuck off commie kike

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Hello my BROTHA...are you an official part of the GANG yet? With your help, the STRASSER GANG can get to dismantling the JEWISH BOURGEOISIE much faster comrade!

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Are you opposed to communism? Will you work with Hitlerian NS?

Shut up capitalist. Even Hitler used to agree with strasser but he sold out to the industrialists like Krupp In order to receive funding. Keep protecting your profits instead of the workers then.

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Is your boiepucci cute?

Hitlerians wouldnt want to work with us anyway so probably not. And I do oppose communism because it forcefully makes everyone equal which isnt natural law, and it is anti-nature In the sense that it doesnt respect animals or have any regard for their well-being. Bolshevism is a hollow ideology.

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Finns are 5% asian. I dont even identify as white, but as Finno-ugric. Whiteness is for americans.

Nah niggy

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