Spoils of war edition
Spoils of war edition
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Anyone have opinions on an Aero Precision lower set with stock? The stocks aren't exactly what I wanted but the lowers seem just what I'm looking for. Should I just get the combo? This is for an AR-10 by the way.
Fluffy you faggot
I hate all of you
Take your medicine fa
Posting Lin Horiuchi. fuck off.
I like the new FA
>grey gun in holster
No just get the receiver set and the other parts separately. Assembling them is fun!
Real thread
No thanks.
I love you anyway, user.
trip on, Ash
Uzuki a shit
Leave my wife alone
hahahahaha no
>primary and secondary are both pistol calibers
>different pistol calibers
one of them is a fucking bluegun, so there's that
Just leave her alone to toil in the feilds
Were you under the impression that the MP7 is real?
I would violate that bitch.
So I'm not a mechanic at all, how hard is it to do this stuff? And can I buy a completed lower without the stock? All I'm seeing on the Aero website is lowers with stocks and lowers with a pistol stock
Daily reminder this is your comrade
Shes kind of plain looking. Need something more spicy un an azn.
Please don't say that, user
Worst red
Assembling a lower is easy peasy. You just need punches, a mallet, the appropriate wrench, and some painters/electrical tape.
Check out a couple of YouTube videos on assembling a lower receiver
they're both airshit.
she legit looks like a plastic doll in this picture. I thought it was some sperg posing his sex doll. now I know it;s a sperg posing for spergs,
yeah so different calibers of 6mm plastic and literally nothing???
where are you even going with this, prisoner 583>
This is the way
You did that same edition yesterday your thread is invalid
>That fucking tigger
Not even a good knock off airshit gun
Dumb airshitters
>implying I would associate with a fag like that
>implying that he would give up his comfortable life for an extended larp session with his Threeper brothers
I would eat the ass.
looking forward to assembling my rifle. Parts incoming. I'm prepared for the incoming bully concerning my snowflake lower.
Now I need to buy the lower parts set, a pistol grip, and stock and then put it all together? Haha I went from wanting to buy a completed lower and stock to building one from a stripped lower
Fuck off Cordon
Posted for TS
How the fuck is her skin so clear
He going to walk past his window a get killed by a police sniper 50 yard's away if anything ever happened
R8 my rifle now that the mag has been replaced.
I legit thought she had a Tigger Patch when you said that.
Got 'im
Old people need to be in bed
>pic related final product
nigga get your eyes checked
>those eyebags
she's a reptilian
What's a good flashlight that goes on a picatinny rail? What do you guys use for flashlights?
The blade is so out of place it looks shopped on
>not even 8 my time
Git on my level Nerd
I like the Surefire X300
>How the fuck is her skin so clear
Arisaka or shitfire
$295 aimpoint pro tacswap.com
It the dark, soulless eyes.
This will never not be funny
Needs some dimples to illustration the cuncussions.
Now I'm addicted to listening to Johnny Cash
Thats for the poss. you can't touch.
Good stuff any particular album or just all of it? His later more gospel stuff is awesome because it has a dark style to it.
>mfw no styrofoam-wielding asian qt 3.14 gf
That cover album he did later in life was good. I always liked his version of Rusty Cage
I swear to God if the government contracted Japanese girls to take away guns they could disarm the country in a week with out a single shot fired
Just anything that comes on youtube mix but the later stiff does seem better.
Too many gay gun owners.
Only way my light fits on the rail is if I mount my front sight backwards. Should I keep it this way or get a different mount (currently using Surefire’s RM45)?
Someone buy plates, carrier, IFAK pouch, and Geissele mount. Fund PVS14 housing.
That's fine.
hence /arg/
Post plates and carrier
I'm in the market for plates and ifak pouch. email me at [email protected]
Like the 309
Aint no grave
Four Strong Winds
Further on up the Road
I see A darkness
I'm Free from the chain gang now
Are some of my favorites from him from later in his life
Cash is trash
>everyone has yellow fever like I do
Boys I'm doing a 10.5 SBR.
Totally at a loss what I want to do. Originally wanted to put an A2 carry handle upper on it but now I'm starting to dig the flat top a lot.
Do I do something unique like the A2 upper, or do I go MK18 and start tossing RAS around?
>he doesn't know AP15 autism
if I buy an adaptor to put an oil filter on an ar15 and I use it to catch oil that I put down the barrel with I get in trouble?
As long as there is no hole on the opposite end of your oil filter you're good to go.
I really just want to put my tube in something already.
Also want to SBR the 11.5"
How about you don't do a stupid clone or a outdated carry handle upper and instead do a modern 11.5" build?
You want to roll those dice? I hope you don't have a dog.
Thats my old kit new one will be similar
How does it know that a Japanese girl will nev er touch you?
I mean I wasn't going to shoot it, that would be dumb and illegal
Isn't that the one you put in your toilet? MSD would be proud. You sold the meprolight already too?
because i'm not particularly interested in modern builds.
>fluffy will never be able to contract the yellow fever
Fluffys fantasies of civilian disarmament are highly detailed, and oddly specific
I really like "god's gonna cut you down"
>hai fluff-chan! i'm here for you raifu prease~!
>He'd be damned if any slopes were gonna put their greasy yella hands on his boy's birthright.
its a classic
>slopes were gonna put their greasy yella hands on his boy's birthright.
sounds hot
I was mortified when I realized there's a moby version.
Drive on is good
Brown eyed handsome man, also.
Moby version is decent
I'd have no problem with slotting a slant
I'm a newfag what does this mean
>model AP15
i'd like to get in a slant's slot
Why should I bother with an SBR for my home defense gun if cops are just going to take it away if I have to use it? Why not just keep using my brace?
Hey, long time no see. I might be interested if it doesn't work out with ((fluffy)) or FM. Don't know a lot about that stuff, but I've wanted to get into it for awhile, and that setup looked decent. Shoot me an email if you remember my non-burner email, otherwise I'll hit you up.
You're gonna build your own? do you have a helmet bought or picked out, or are you gonna rock the skullchrusher? It would be cool if you could do an article or video about your experience building a PVS 14 for those of us that have an interest in that kind of thing.
I haven't done any
AR stuff in a while save for a little shooting on the warmer days. Work has been really kicking my ass lately, so I haven't been on ARG for while. See some old names, some new names, still seems like garbage for the most part. Carry on!
Oh, and if anyone still talks to PSI via teamspeak or email, can you let him know I have a passing interest in the super 42 setup he had listed a while back. I don't know if he's already gotten rid of it or not, but I'd check it out if he's looking for a buyer still. Don't want to even bother fucking with his burner or creeping him out on arfcom, so I'll just leave this here and hope by some serendipitous twist of destiny that my messages go through to their intended recepients, and that I will receive some sort of response at a later time.
Hope yall've had a nice evening.