Jow Forums
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Weapons #375
Works of Art and War
Cartridge wars
Times you had to draw
Fudds are doing a anti gun rally at my school and are randomly pulling questions...
Duluth firehose pants
Your first rifle should be a .22
Meanwhile in 16th century Jow Forums
Tfw your gf hates guns
I live in California and I have five hundred dollars to spend on a gun. What California legal handgun should I get?
Jow Forumsahrs
Why do commies own guns if they're against them?
Why won't the fucking krauts modernize the MP5 SD yet Jow Forums?
Killing Chimps
Thinking about Joining the Naional Guard
Quick Question for you Jow Forumsommandos
What would an tank built with the sole purpose of being remotely manned look like?
NFA regulated items
How common are NFA violations? Anyone have any crazy stories of an uncle with a bunch of unregistered machine guns?
Tactical pepe/wojak/spurdo thread
Summer Love
Is It /ourfilm/?
Fucking Rick Scott
Handgun General - /hg/ - #91
/arg/ AR thread
Help Jow Forums
Are military tattoos ever ok?
Guns with female accessory
Russian MOD: hits | missiles fired:
ITT guns that were a mistake
Home Defense Story Time
Post your favorite picture of anything military/war related
Is it true that the G36 is actually a good assault rifle...
What's the best carrier-based 4th gen fighter?
This is a ghosss gun
What's the best Variable 1-4/6/8x scope for under $550? I'm paranoid about Vortex, Burris, Leupold...
Now that Russia has proven itself to be a failure in Syria...
What would actually be more devasting in a nuclear war...
Do you ever wonder about the spooky military tech, that could exist, yet is still classified...
My friend says Pearl Harbor never happened
Gas mask/Respirator thread
12warrior T-shirt causes soccer mom to lose her mind
Ar 9 pistol
Which is the best barrel length? I see 16" a lot
Have you enlisted? Whats stopping you? Why did you join?
Deadly Kremlin submarines CHASE UK warship as Putin unleashes ‘Black Hole’ stealth hunters
China admits its carrier sucks
What revolver do you own?
The Typhoon FGR4 is fully the equal of the Su-34, F-15E and J-16
Is .44 Magnum hollow point really the best meth-head masher?
Burned Bob died for our sins
/meg/ Military Enlistment General
Home defense guns
Are there any documented cases of using midgets as low profile operators?
Apparently Jow Forums have been celebrating about the death of The Gunny and been praising about how "the jews biggest...
Canadian farmer who killed an injun in a self defense situation banned from owning guns for 10 years, given $4000 fine
Loadout + Scenario thread
Best concealed carry guns under $600?
Which is more tainted by ideology and nationalism:
Is there a way to tell if someone is a /hasgun/ in day to day interaction/conversations?
What is the acceptable range to buy stripped lowers?
1899-1902 British Emergency Ration Field Service
How possible is it to poach guns from a buyback?
Will iraq be able to retain its forces and equipments in the post war era?
Jow Forums Bible verses/Quotes
Literally what is the advantage of this over the M16A4?
I can't wait for the space age to make battleships relevant again
"Stay tuned gang, I'll take over for Ermey here, on Lock n Load"
How can US SFs even compete with Russian ones?
Any Archery Nuts
Major underwater duel happened during runup to Syria strikes
Battle of the Points
Gunny Day
I have quite a knife collection user. it's important to have several so they never get lonely
Is there a way to complete an 80% lower without spending hundreds? pic unrelated
Modded WW2 Tanks
Jow Forumsanada General
Has any user here ever shot in self-defense? I haven’t, but please, tell me your story
I am making bad decisions
Be me
Beretta 84 FS cal 9 short
ARG/ AR General/ Trip fag containment/ Bully Central
What did Jow Forums think of this scene?
I'm not for sure if this is a proper post for Jow Forums but I'll go any way...
German WWII militaria
I don't really know what board does this belong to but I think it's more Jow Forums appropriate...
10mm pistol
Is this filter safe?
Squared brass would be far superior than cylindrical brass
/akg/ AK General
Handgun General - /hg/ - #90
Can we talk about firearm safety?
Where can I get a decent pair of night vision goggles for under $200?
Patch Thread
Show me your war face one last time
Dumbest things you've heard people say
What is the gayest gun money can buy ?
Why would anyone buy a gun that can’t go through 20 rounds without jamming?
Anyone tried these Howard leights impact pro?
Blocks your path
So I'm a design student that's only ever fired a shotgun, but I fucking love this pistol. Jow Forums...
Concealed AR go bag
Favorite bolt action, Jow Forums?
Tell me about Millennium Challenge 2002. How are large scale military games like these done without live ammo...
What does Jow Forums think of this man?
Why do older people have a nostalgic view of crime--or the lack thereof--in the past...
Is he the most wholesome gun youtuber?
Been around for nearly a century
Prepping basics
Why haven't militaries adopted a universal service cartridge?
$1000 or less militia equipment
Question about Ammo lifespan?
How did he do it, Jow Forums?
Protecting Hearing in HD Scenarios
Why aren't double barreled pistols more common?
When did Glock start making ARs?
Why was American infantry so shit, and at best mediocre, during WW2?
Alright Jow Forums, tell me why I shouldn't buy the Gen 5 G17
Army going forward with 6.5 CT
/arg/ AR thread
Slovenia declares war on USA
Is there a reason why some states (ex:NJ) provide provisions which exempt off-duty and/or retired LEOs from guns laws...
/our/ coffee company. They have awesome coffee and donate some of their profits to pro-gun causes
Wars where the good guys lost
Mom guns
Thin, sturdy leather belt?
Colt Agent
What so special about APDSFS? What makes it so much more effective than regular APDS...
My college professor told me anyone competent is in a PMC instead of a military, is he right?
Bongistan Triggering Thread
Is the HK USP series still relevant today?
Chinese Island Fortresses Jam US FON Patrol planes, disabling equipment
Be a 3rd world country with a population of about 100 million
Show me your death traps Jow Forums
Hi Jow Forums !
Precision Rifle General #5 /PRG/
Why does Jow Forums defend SF and Rangers so much when SEALs are so much better? Lets compare
Looking for
How many missiles were shot down in Syria?
$50,000 reward for
Post orgasmic Jow Forums pics
"Cute Twink" should be an MOS
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. thread
Marine Corps hate thread
Lost Comrade
Hey Jow Forums
Nuggetfest is no more
Why did Ruskies put a brake on their standard rifle (Ak74)? Aren't they loud and concussive as fuck?
Putin kills another reporter
CQB with Pistols
American guns
Pls r8 and degrade my SHTF loadout
How the fuck do you make springs?
Clip vs Magazine
Remington 700 Magpul v. Mossberg MVP Patrol .308
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
When is Trump going to get off his fat lazy ass and repeal the import restrictions on Russian firearms, Jow Forums...
Socialist gun owners
/brg/ Battle Rifle General
Help a Califag move to a better State
Now gunny's dead maybe mac can take over as his replacement
AR thread /arg/
Cheap Reflex Sights
AB-2382 Firearms: firearm precursor parts
You, a door gunner: Yo, pass the aux cord
When you accidentally order the CZ75 compact with manual safety instead of the decocker version
Will full auto weapons ever be legal for production again Jow Forums...
Hey Jow Forums
Harpoon gun home defense
What gas mask is used for present biologic warfare
Stopping power is probably as important or more important as capacity
How did these monsters ever become so popular?
Commie duels
Armslist debacles and idiocy
Why are aperture sights so comfy?
What to do with spent steel casings?
Auction doesn’t end for another 12 days
Good Night, Glorious King
Ammo storage
RIP Gunny
Family photo time. No, I don't want to see your collection of every variant of SKS ever made but if you must post it...
How'd they do boys? What grade do you give them?
Where can I find a drum that holds 50, uh?
/gq/ - gear queer
AR thread /arg/
Operation restore hope
Greek company DPM Systems Technologies makes a very unique device called Magnetomechanical recoil reduction system...
Mirror mirror tell me
How did the scumfuck ATF get away with blatant entrapment?
Is filling with warm water then wearing until dry still the best way to break in leather boots?
Hey k
Any stories of minority women in the military?
Hello Jow Forums after visiting a local phone booth in my hometown of LA, I found a very old phone book inside...
ATF FOI DROP: ShoeString not a machine gun edition!
Canada General
AR15 ammo question
Recommend me a red dot with an excellent field of view, please Jow Forums?
What are some larger than life operators?
Neither of these guns are Jow Forums tier
I don't to just be Jow Forums approved. I want to be the Jow Forums
There are people on this board who unironically prefer 9mm because .45 has too much recoil
Would this make the ULTIMATE Jow Forums mobile base?
Right now you have headphones on
Cringe thread? Cringe thread
How does one become a US Army Cultural Support Team operator?
Are Tomahawks with conventional warheads actually worthwhile? Let's leave politics out of it
What's stopping us from creating heavy IFV, SPAAG, SPAA and engineering vehicles from the abrams chassis...
First rifle: AR or AK?
The 10mm Auto cartridge and 1911’s were made for each other. It’s like a .45 with balls
The Afghan Samurai(A Karate blackbelt who left Japan to fight the Russians in the Soivet Afghan war)
Civil War
What does Jow Forums think of the new Colt Cobra?
/ak/ thread: Israeli edition
Making/designing cnc aluminum riser
My understanding of this is that a military force that is raised from ordinary citizens is a fundamental constituent of...
Anti-gun "veterans"
First gun purchase
Pick a gun
We need to revive oscillating tanks
Hi Jow Forums, im brazilian and going to florida next month, can i buy a gun in a walmart...
I don't need a gun, i took karate, i can disarm him
What gun is this/ is this real
Hey bru, that my gwamaukomba?
Crime show
Using a gun to hunt is playing on EASY MODE. You're an incompetent downy that needs a crutch...
Hickock45 hates freedom of speech y'all
Regimental vs Continental Systems
Had to hand combat sports
Marine Corps selects 1st black woman to be a general officer
Are 80 percent lowers a meme?
You have TEN(10) seconds to name the coolest job(s) in the military outside of special operations. GO
Did I do well?
/akg/ AK General
And this is our sons room! He's quite the weapons enthusiast
Sun N Fun 2018: Warbirds And More!
Red pill me on rubber bullets
You hyped Jow Forums?
Handgun General - /hg/ - #89
tfw no bf with a nice ar to shoot
Looking for advice for first handgun purchase
How do I get over the fear that if I CC it's going to go off...
AR thread /arg/
Hicuckfuddyfive cucks out again
Are there any dress codes or unspoken rules on the range?
How young is too young for a child to start shooting? what are your opinions on it? when did you shoot your first gun...
Best Jow Forumsanine
What are your Jow Forums approved books?
What is the best trainer?
What were russians thinking when they made these things?
Tannreite detonation
Most Iconic Air Gun
Why do we not see more flying boats in modern arsenals? Japan operates these great machines...
Anyone ever fired an INSAS rifle
How do we get a gunsmithing version of Forged in Fire?
First Gun
Tavor X95
AR-15 Upper Receiver Vise Block?
Japanese guns
Hello user, may we have a word with you?
Mig-31BM with Kh-47m2 "Kinzhal"
How many mags does Jow Forums keep loaded
What's a good end of the world gun?
How /no guns/ is New York?
Skin those smoke wagons Jow Forums!
Can you even tell if these are satire anymore?
Innamail thread
Is there literally anything that this can't destroy?
My girlfriend wants to buy a Hi Point as a personal defense weapon because she said she researched into them and said...
AR thread /arg/
I'm looking for my first deer hunting rifle. Interested in something simple to maintain and inexpensive...
What are the preferred weapons for the Mafia these days?
Gotham is taken hostage, what do?
Jow Forums lifestyle
Gun-Related Nightmares
Jow Forums what do you think could kill a skin walker
Does Jow Forums cast their own bullets? Any tips before I try doing so for 30-06?
Your favorite owned rifles that aren't ARs or AKs
Why are American pilots today so much better than ones from the past? Look at Vietnam...
I'm considering a Star 9mm for concealed carry. Would you rate this as something worth depending on for your life...
Would a double barrel tank be feasible in real life? What would be the practical limitations?
Any pics like this
Anyone else notice the problematic idea that shooting range and militaria clubs are "Boys clubs" and cater only towards...
What does Jow Forums think of this?
Patch Thread
Guns you’ll never own
So which ones do you own, Jow Forums?
How do you drastically reduce military related spending while looking like you're pro military?
Reddit guns
Jow Forums FPS game?
Will there ever be a non-shit American made AK?
Fighter Pilot Shortage!
AR thread /arg/
/ak/ thread: freedom edition
Is a .22 too weak for my liberal GF?
Ruger AR556
OOOOOO Boeing WTF are you doing
Ok Jow Forums let's play a game
/meg/ Military Enlistment General
H-hypothetically if I fucked some dude's wife, and he came after me for revenge...
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
You get sent back in time and become a war advisor to the aztec just before the conquistadors arival
How would you fix this company?
Why aren't you brave enough to become a missileer Jow Forums?
/wag/ Washington State General
Pass federal background check
Syrup and nuggets
Ohio meet up thread
Canada General
Lright goys
Lockheed martin seriously studied adding jet fan pods to C-130 hardpoints for VTOL capability...
What went wrong?
What does Jow Forums think of my most recent acquisition?
What's a proper amount to tip your Range Safety Officer?
1907 US Trial pattern .45 Luger repro
Target 3 miles capital city gets hit with 30 near-simultaneous cruise missile strikes:
Couldn't hit a single subsonic missile in a salvo of hundreds, that was expected to happen for days
Guard animal thread
Selfmade Guns
How do I fucking aim
/arg/ AR thread
Most Jow Forums characters
Why not just use a revolver?
Be American missile
Are timex watches Jow Forums?
ITT: Post guns you wish existed
What does the people of Jow Forums think about Gunny ?
Hello Jow Forums
The U.K. would pass knife control if not for the National Cutlery Association
Are Sig's worth the extra money?
Heard something interesting
What's Jow Forums's plan for the purge?
Dick’s To DESTROY Remaining “Assault Rifle” Inventory
Homemade firearm
Whe can you buy Nork MREs?
Fake attack on the Syrian regime for a fake chemical attack the Syrian regime conducted
Morale check
USA goes to war
Why are you using a barrel that is over 10 inches?
be canadian visiting us
You hanging in there Jow Forums?
ITT we post weapons with less than 30% accuracy
Turkey shoot down russian jet
Wish List
Just got my first gun, no longer a nogunz. Best way to nigger it out? (yes i know it doesn't have any sights...
He dosent use a minigun for home defence
Sooo... has the Glock overtaken the 1911 as the greatest (and best looking) handgun on Earth?
"Gray Man" concept
So i was like half asleep or something when suddenly into my mind sprung a wonderful idea...
Why did Russia pussy out? It TBC (Trump’s big cock) too much for the Russian military to handle?
Syrian Air Defense Shoots Down 71 out of 103 US Coalition Cruise Missiles
How stupid do guns designed by people who don't shoot guns look to people who actually know about guns?
Would hawaiian shirts make for good camo?
What are your favorite 22lr handguns?
Wrist mounted flashlight
Auto Ordnance M1 Carbine
Loadout + dream scenario
Whats with everyone screaming world war three going to happen over a literal desert country getting bombed by usa...
Would gas operated guns work in a space/vacuum?
So assuming Russia was actually so unimaginably retard to try to start a war with the US...
Thoughts? I was looking at an IOR pitbull 1x:4x24 or a Elcan specterdr but money is a huge barrier
What are some tough-as-shit planes that aren't the A-10 Warthog?
Anyone else notice the problematic idea that shooting range and militaria clubs are "Boys clubs" and cater only towards...
Garand or AR
What’s the point of shotguns?
So the vatniks wont do a thing?
Y'all ready to watch GT operate hard as hell on some raptors?
Bug out vs In
Is it a good idea for a small female to join the army?
Tomacuck Missile
Can we all post about how this was the coolest fucking shit we've ever seen in our lives?
Evening mentlegen. Just turned 21, looking for a good CCW gun. My budget is $500 or so...
I live in Denver, CO and I just got a sizable inheritance
The Gun Owners of the Parkland Generation
Your first girl becomes a gun. What gun is she and how do you treat her?
Army vs. Marines
Ok Jow Forums this is a bit off topic but my work (((friend))) brought me here from Jow Forums
Citi BTFO: GOP to pull 700 billion in contracts for anti-gun antics
Military comm chatter in movie
I want to get a CZ but this meme is hitting too close to home
New Acquisitions Thread
Girls with guns - RIP Ethereal Rose
3 days ago Russian ambassador Alexander Zasypkin said:
Your first gun is now a woman, what's she like Jow Forums?
H&K SL8 find in a pawn shop
Who were the bad guys in the troubles and why were the brits?
/WFG/ Tactical Sleeps Edition
A long time ago I saw an article explaining that Reagan decided to not invade a small banana republic in Latin America...
Russian air dominance
If comrade assad is attack i nuke amer-
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
Anons it's the end
Lever Action Thread
Gas mask
Favorite gun gimick?
Why are they forgotten?
This was the best submachine gun of WW2, say something nice about her
How hard is it to get a Concealed Handgun Licence in your state?
Gun Rally thread
Its obvious, given the current events, why I am asking this, but I in no way desire to bring Jow Forums shit here...
WW3 just started
Why is the union so much better than the smelly southeners?
Left the Army to pursue Finance
Norinco SKS, 280rds, bayonet, hardshell case, and 12 "zipper clips". I would assume the guy meant "stripper clips"
Northern Michigan innawoods etc
Thinking of buying my first gun thinking a handgun. Don't know to much about guns...
Handgun General - /hg/ - #88
Meanwhile, in 1960's Jow Forums
Tell us about your hunting rifle, Jow Forums
Post your Jow Forums waifu
Are Armslist people delusional?
Old West/Frontier Thread
Jow Forums characters
Jow Forums Asthetic thread
Bin Laden
/meg/ Military Enlistment General
Complete the sentence
AR thread /arg/
Buy/Sell/Trade BST General
Fight or flight scenario
>The bongs actually used this piece of shit
Help me build a cheap medical kit
Why are hooded loadouts so aesthetic, Jow Forums?
Had to buy a gun since everyone’s talking about gun restriction...What y’all think
NCCPA Pro-2A Rallies
My balisong broke, now i only have my trainer
Guys i cant sleep because of the ayys what do?
Online shops
Patch Thread
Mini vs micro draco
When u realize all the bullets saved in the handle could misfire together and blow ur fingers off
Why do most militaries still insist on using clunky combat boots when hicking boots are infinitely better?
Gun Waifus
Military replacement round
Is there any reason to not get an 1851 Civilian over a full size?
AR Thread/AR General//arg/
Who here actually operates, operationally?
Jow Forums Arts and Pics Thread
I recently bought a Fallschirmjaeger beret online and obviously due to shipping it isnt near an acceptable shape...
Oh hey, no big deal, just smuggling miniguns to Mexican Cartels
Jungle Carbine
Moved to an area that isn't the safest what's a good home defense weapon? Nothing overpowered or excessive
Man Cave
Emperor Trump's new bling
What’s the best way to stop an active shooter during a school shooting?
In a hypothetical war, how would poorly organized civilians armed only with semi-autos, bolt actions...
Convair B-58 Hustler
/akg/ AK General
What is Jow Forums up to tonight?
Concealed chain mail shirt for protection
S400 > Every other anti-missile system
/ktg/ Knife Thread General
LGS Pushing Crap
In your lifetime, perhaps within the next few days...
Any tips for aiming in general...
AR15 Ejection problem
Gun range stories
What is better in the long run: 10mm or .357 sig?
If you could only use one rifle caliber for the rest of your life what would it be?
Russia’s military options to counter US strike in Syria
It's over, Jow Forums. Tomorrow the United States is impounded because of outstanding debt, and the nation...
Post a firearm that you absolutely love, and a firearm you absolutely hate
Can one well trained person kill entire groups of people?
M1 Garand is a POS
If you could have ONE tool/ weapon to survive in the wilderness...
This triggers the Kraut
AR thread /arg/
Name a worse camo pattern, i'll wait
Basement shooting range
Hard Knuckle Gloves
Whats the best way to mount an optic on my spanish mauser without bubbaing it permenantly
Post Soviet autism
If we could make OCing a fashionable thing among girls we'd gain a huge pro-gun demographic, so the question is...
What gun is that?
Stop being poor
Canada General
Arguments for/against Gun Control: Let's Redpill Some Libs!!
What are the most terrifying weapons?
Hunting guns
Gas Mask Tips and Sharing
What did the Washington Post mean by this?
What if one day, for no apparent reason all of humanity suddenly became immune to bullets
Alright Jow Forums just got a $1200 bonus for work. Dubs decide what kind of firearm I get
Syria Happening General
Thank you daddy
This retarded little whore just got arrested for trying to shoot someone in a road rage incident
Hi Jow Forums
USS Helena CL-50 found by Paul Allen
No singles
Thinking about buying a dessert eagel
Based PSA
ITT we wish
Hiking and carrying a gun
/arg/ x AR thread x Armalite Rifle Fifteen General
Which one is more iconic?
Should I get a pump action or semi auto shotgun?
"Random mercenary assaults harmless forest beast"
What's more a e s t h e t i c
I bought this gun
/MSG/ Military Surplus General
DnD Guns
Sako pronunciation
L85A3, good?
Every soldier should be issued with short barrel LMGs instead of rifles with 30 round capacity mags
Found this russian article (published three months ago) about people going out into forest for mushrooms and such stuff
Musical warfare never caught on
Who makes the best 1911?
PLAN Fleet Review
I need your help Jow Forums...
Greek jet downed, pilot missing while chasing out Turkish fighter jets from Greek airspace
"Ammo Corrosion" is a meme created by (((big chem companies))) like Windex. Think about it...
Best signs for 2a rally
Club suggestion
Old thread: >>37494236
Cold Weather Ops
What's Jow Forumss take on the black panthers?
What is a recoil you've felt that really sucked?
Weapons and Strategy in XXI century
Women in uniform
Anyone use a p220 10mm for IWB? Ive always loved the sigs, but never used one for edc
Rogue bullet
Wtf Glock auto?
Lately I've been fascinated with Yamaguichi and by extension the weapon he used, a yoroi-doshi
Sickle and scythe
Handgun General - /hg/ - #87
Lookin' for a nice little revolver to keep in my car. Hopefully cheap-ish, but that's all that really matters...
Looking to getting my wife a handgun to get her to shoot with me. She wants one of these tiffany blue ones...
If you were a Colombian general and you were in charge of taking out Pablo Escobar's cocaine empire...
I am somewhat interested in medieval armor and weapons, and I would like to start learning how to make this stuff...
Canadian child digs a hole
Jow Forumsalifornia thread
First Gun?
My paintjob
Fuglies thread
Jow Forums BTFO By The New Yorker
Is Magpul a meme company?
/gq/ - gear queer
Has anyone had a chance to try out the new springfield XDE? The double action trigger seems really heavy
Will 3D printed firearms be the inevitable death of gun control...
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Is a single stack (say P239 in 9mm or .40) adequate for CCW?
AR Thread/AR General//arg/
I use birdshot as a home defense round
Ok everyone hand in your weapons!
What gun is this?
You guys can hate him all you want but I think he made some very good points with the WWSD thing
Getting shot>getting punched
Jow Forums, I’m not nogunz anymore. Check out my first purchase. Did I do well?
Am I the only one with an irrational hard on for single/double action pistols?
Jow Forums has a boner for Rhodesia
Any stories of revenge Jow Forums
How would you kill all these mice?
If you could force ian to make a video about any gun, what would you choose?
Foreign Special Forces
Pls help
Juggernaut Suit?
Tfw don’t have enough good boy points for a cz Bren
A killer is chasing you with a knife who will stop at nothing to murder you, what do you grab?
Mosininstant, masterrace
Is it even worth it to bullet proof your walls...
Hey Jow Forums
Hey guys I found a M1 garand at a local gun shop for $1200 in good condition they say it's ww2 but they don't know the...
Get drafted for ww3
Jow Forums Arts and Pics Thread
/ak/ thread:quantum shipgirls edition
Let me be a little /fa/ for a sec. Do you think you could pull off the Mike Vining look IRL Jow Forums?
I made some nunchucks, in fact this is the 4th pair ive made, and i cant find a chord that wont stretch out...
I aint done nothing wrong but can you wipe fingerprints off a bullet case using a dry terry cloth towel?
Once and for all
What's Jow Forums opinion on the Calik TP-9 ? Glock killer or shit tier gun ?
Who makes/imports the best 7.62x39 now that Golden Tiger is banned Jow Forums?
You can only have one gun for the rest of your life, what do you choose?
I don't think the Russian military is anywhere near well-equipped enough to fight the U.S. military. Am I wrong?
NRA ADMITS that it has been funded by Russians
/arg/ AR thread
F-35 Deploys chute midflight
Just finished Heat... Holy shit usually Jow Forums movies blow from a movie lover's perspective but this is top tier
First aid training
Good evening Jow Forums, this is your friendly neighbourhood French tank crewman
SA80 L85 'A3'
If Russia charged, right at this moment, how far west could they go?
Making the possession of firearms by felons a crime affects 2 kinds of people:
WW3 kicks off
You're wandering the wasteland for parts and this guy blocks your path. Which weapon do you use to kill it?
Syria Happening General
How easy would it be to make a suitcase nuke?
Why doesn't the Army go back to something that doesn't look like they eat glue with their MREs?
Pyotr Velikiy, Admiral Kuznetsov, 8 smaller ships and a submarine
She ain’t got no clip bud
What has he seen?
Chechnya docu: "The Betrayed" 1995
Innawoods thread
Jow Forums is a weapons & _______ board
What would you rather have happened to you: find out your son owns and loves a hi point or discover that he is gay?
Whats the most Jow Forums approved movie, and why is it The Bourne Legacy?
Total gross cash value thread
Do old War World 2 tactics of communication work better than the most advanced technology in the world?
Co-witnessing with red dot
What is the type of m16 called and why does it look so aesthetic compared to a normal one?
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
Post favorite WWII movies and explain why
Hey Jow Forums, newbie here, if I were to get a .45 caliber handgun with hollowpoint...
What's the shittiest service you've had from a gun store?
Ah shit, the new Lt is here, quick Jow Forums, give him some advice
Jow Forums what would a Mexican civil war look like? How likely will Mexico have a civil war...
Is Trump implying that the cruise missile attack will be carried out by new weapons...
Canada General
Patch Thread
How would you feel about an American ban on all firearms that aren't: bolt-action, break-action, pump-action...
How To Defeat The US With One Bomb
Cold War Illustrations/Infographics
I’m going to sell a gun at a private sale in TX...
Pro gun arguments
Jow Forums cop situation
Weapons in the uk
Black Market Gunsmith
*Missiles make Aircraft obsolete*
Turkey vs France
Where were you when America got put on notice?
I'm planning to buy my younger sister a gun as a present...
Tell me about the Aussie commandos! Why do they wear the masks?
Jow Forums Builds a Metal Gear
Buying my husband an optic for his birthday, he comes here a lot so I assume you guys are educated
Aliens begin to evade Earth. They have humanoid bodies similar to ours. Their tech is more or less on par with ours...
What weapon is that one ?
I hate revolvers
For me, it's the AR70
What are some things you can store in your AK cleaning kit tube, aside from obviously skittles?
/akg/ AK General
Everything's going to be ok
Stop having sex with women
How would the reliability and durability compare between a beginner US made AK (RAS47, WASR 10, C39), and a soviet SKS?
Let's get an Enfield porn thread rolling, Jow Forums
Whats this WW3 stuff I keep hearing about?
Hey Jow Forums, what bullpup rifle should I get?
Military Rations
Can anyone explain the autism around modifying milsurp?
So I just bought a brand new GSG 1911 for 300 bucks as my first gun. How'd I do Jow Forums?
Cursed gun images
Obama: passes no new restrictions on guns and even allows guns in national parks and Amtrak trains
*blocks ur path*
Post the pic of the weapon you would kill to have
Crazy cops
Why dont more places use battle rifles?
The era of cheaper than dirt nuggets and sks's is over. What is the cheapest non-22 rifle I can get now?
$500 to spend
What's the best defense against assault tools?
The man was a fucking scumbag
AR thread /arg/
State constitutions
What’s the best tacticoool shooter
My girlfriend is left eye dominant and right handed, as a result she has to shoot using her left hand for accuracy...
Rifled slugs and chokes?
Roastie btfo her gun owning boyfriend
Syria Crisis Part IV: The Violence Has Escalated In The War Room
Whats the silliest gun you own?
Handgun General - /hg/ - #86
BofA goes anti freedom
Impulse buy part two the electric boogalo
10,000 US Marines vs 10,000 US Marines
Why can't I stop hoarding 22lr? I rarely even shoot my 22s anymore
How a e s t h e t i c are my mags?
How often do bolt action rifles get used in modern combat
Where can you buy a Hi-Point 995 9mm original model?
What Would have Happened after WW2 if Nukes were never invented
Good marksman weapons?
Did he destroy the receiver and m1 carbine thread
Why do people seem to over carry?
Can somebody post the most recent poorfag gun infographic?
NATO Mediterranean fleets vs Russian Black Sea Fleet
Quick check. How many of you lads are actually from south states?
Is rifle caliber ballistic plate really necessary?
How many people here actually shot anyone at any point in there life? If you did...
Hey Jow Forums, what exactly is a kiloton when referring to bomb? How big would a 1 kiloton bomb be vs a 5 kiloton?
Syria Crisis Part III: What Could Go Wrong?
Metro 2033 in America
Offical Jow Forums Day
Is Paul Harrell /ourguy/?
Guns you kinda want but would be to embarrassing to bring to a range
NFA Thread
Hello Jow Forums its been a while i seek your council...
Name a more chad gun
Loadout Thread
The Panther
Brotherhood of Nod
So Jow Forums which one(s) would you want to have?
If you were in a main battle tank, how close could you get to a Jdam explosion and get away with it?
Name a better firearm than this
Nuke map USA
What is your most recent gun purchase Jow Forums? Mine was a mountain kike gun
Do you own a S&W Jow Forums?
Thinking of getting a P365 for CCW and retiring my G19 to home defense only. Thoughts and feedback?
SHTF Loadout Hat
Noguns here, for what purpose does this thing exist
RF jammer/blocker
Single shot shotgun
Why do you need an AR-15?
AK screw builds
/edc/ — Every Day Carry thread
Chinese Planes have become so aesthetic in the last few decades
Apparently we're all racists now boys. Rhodesian Photo Thread. Fuck Liberal Ed
So this picture is making rounds on social media, and I was wondering--is this a common way to CC...
Is this true
Why were the matchlock and flintlock in use together at the same time for so long?
Which shotgun are you using for home defense/truck carry? Looking to get a couple 14" shotties
/ko/ thread
I got shooted and now I have lead on my arm(accident with a civil war era musket)
US Could Lose a War with Russia or China Despite Outspending them 6:1
What's the deal with these...
Wooden AR-15's
Jow Forumss best wild west cartridge
Be me
Does anyone else think these guys secretly have nukes?
Family Funs time!
Honk Assassin
Entry level AR
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
/akg/ AK General
Any chance we could see this stuff or something like it used as a firearms finish in the near future?
Why the fuck do infantryman carry so much useless shit...
Shot to the Heart
You're in charge of security of a cargo ship to protect against Somali Pirates
Tom Hanks is currently filming the most Jow Forums movie ever in Louisiana
Meetup thread
/ak/ :operating operationally edition
/arg/ ACOG edition
Spend hundreds of hours constantly training
So Sikhs are given a pass in the US for carrying their religiously traditional knives (kirpan)...
Does Jow Forums want to help fight the war against traps on Jow Forums and Jow Forums If so post your favorite guns in...
AR thread /arg/
Elderlyfags, how did the general public react to Ruby Ridge & Waco?
AR thread AR general /arg/
9mm or .45 ACP
Syria Crisis Part II
Go trap shooting with my mossman pump
/ktg/ Knife Thread General /ktg/
Handgun General - /hg/ - #85
They arrested /outgook/ shit lord Hank Yoo
Mfw the SWAT team tries to breach my tannerite filled door
Are there any good stories of revenge durring war in the modern times?
Canada General
Vympel Cartridge plant out of business
Gun safe talk
Are pawn shops a good place to buy guns?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship