ISIS gets swapped with NOD, what happens?
Brotherhood of Nod
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Is that some kinda chinese cartoon
No, The Brotherhood of Nod is a faction from a old as fuck (and good) RTS called Command and Conquer.
What happens is that you cant kill the goddamn messiah
i never felt that old in my life, seriously. i'm not even fucking 30 what the fuck
conventional warfare happens, but the result will be the same. probably with less aftermath in lack of a poisonous ideology making people go gorilla and shit
>be 27
>Jow Forumsids only know COD:BO and RB6:Siege
Well, NOD had just as much dedication, but they weren't cousin-fucking anti-technology and reason people, and their messiah was still alive and giving orders competently.
To put it one way, we'd be pretty fucked. If ISIS consisted of anyone other than the hordes of inbred sub 80 IQ people that it is, they'd be a lot more dangerous.
Then we would be the bad guys
isis wasn't anti-technology, they fucking chopped heads and did all their crazy shit filming it in hd and editing that shit more professional than most trash movie directors
they used drones to drop IEDs on their enemies and there's pictures of them using IPADs to measure angles of their mortars, both not anti-technology and kinda clever actually
ayyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao