Offical Jow Forums Day

If stoners get 4/20 as their day, Star Wars fans have May the 4th, and Nintendo people have Mar 10 day, can we designate the official Jow Forums date?



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10/22 seems like a decent option, since almost everyone sees .22 as the minimum, but the date is too close to halloween, don't know if that's good or bad though.
I like 9/18 and 9/19 too, why not have 2 days?

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bonus: it's my birthday

9/18 slavshit day
9/19 NATO day

I'm okay with this.

Is there a nugget number we could use?

4/20 is our day too.

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something with either 91/30 or 7.62x54r
but neither of those really fit with anything.

take your stuff back to pol pls.

Don't be so triggered. There's a difference between memeing and genuine stormfaggotry

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Tak'e your stuff back to Jow Forumssafespace please. 4/20 is rightful Jow Forums day.

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There are too many possible days for a gun day.
>just shoot every day


11/26, the birthday of our Prophet


back to plebbit kiddo

any day ending with "y" is a good enough for a Jow Forums day

Back to tumblr with you faggot

11th of November, an independent state

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Who's that, 11/26 is my birthday.


Will you fucks still be alive by then?


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10/22. i don't even own a ruger, that just fits so well