Rifled slugs and chokes?

Can someone explain why chokes are necessary for shooting slugs? Every forum I read talks about how you want a choke for slugs but no one says why.

Attached: Foster Slugs.jpg (1000x562, 125K)

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I had always thought the contention was that firing a slug through anything smaller than a Modified choke was dangerous due to the fact that you are sending a gigantic hunk of lead through a hole smaller than it should be sent through, which could lead to dangerous pressure buildups which could lead to gun failures, bulged barrels, and the like.

But to answer your question I'd assume it would have something to do with accuracy, though if you are shooting rifled slugs it really shouldn't be a problem because the rifling on the slug is supposed to stabilize the slug's flight path and give greater accuracy in and of itself.

Attached: 1521973555844.png (518x494, 343K)

They have it backwards. The rifling is so the slug can pass through a choke. Most shotguns have some kind of choke. Notice how slow the rifling is. It is not there to spin the slug, it is there to allow slight shinkage as it passes through the choke.

you're asking why spinning a projectile stabilizes it
do you forget to breathe sometimes?

That's not what he is asking AT ALL. Lol Jow Forums never ceases to amaze me in thid regard. It's 90% of the time the guy insulting the intelligence the first to be wrong.

That was not what he was asking, and the rifling on a slug doesnt stabilize it. It stabilizes like a shuttlecock. All the weight is up front.

I'm asking why you need a choke for slugs, the choke isn't what makes it spin. Either you need to learn to comprehend what you read or stop posting useless responses

So if I have a smooth bore mossberg 500 with no choke...do I need to get a choke or are the slugs I can use the way it is?

no you don't need a choke, there is evidence that accuracy is improved with an "improved cylinder" choke, that is the only one recommended for slug use

What do you mean "no choke" exactally?