And why was it socom
What’s the best tacticoool shooter
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I got so mad at that game when I was a kid. Shit was hard
Yea it wasn’t a cakewalk. I felt boss when i would finish a level without triggering an alarm.
I made it to the mission where you have to rescue some hostage from the Khmer Rouge in the old temple
shit fuckin sucked
That documentary they included in the game was real nigga shit though
I liked the character bios during the opening cutscene, really sounded like actual army guys.
>PV2. Character: Raised in a traditional Jewish family- joined the Army to piss off his parents. It worked.
That's Shehadi, the Muslim you're thinking of.
The Jew is Silverman, the gangsta wannabe from Philadelphia
Not a shooter
Still great though
Very tactical
hell yeah that mission had me stuck as a kid for like 2 years. i recently played it again and got stuck on that same mission
I could never beat the Socom 3 level that started with the Polish terrorist nerve gas cut scene
Prove me wrong
I beat it once. Never got a grade A. The last mission had me rushing with a squad of m60s. Lost half my guys.
I no shit made admiral rank in socom 2, was great until everyone started running gameshark
Jow Forums becomes /v/
This was one of my faves as a kid.
Ghost recon is 4 fags.
Never played or heard of this. Do tell
The first Rainbow Six, mid 90s somewhere, had a USP in it. Even on the cover.
Got my USP in part thanks to the memberberries.
Cool game. Great settings. Occasionally Annoying AI.
I miss when RO6 had autistic mission planning and control. Updating that properly in single player would be awesome, but Tom Clancy games have really gone to shit in terms of realism.
Tangentially related and not a shooter, but Breach & Clear is a fun time waster. Not as deep as I’d like but for the price it’s pretty fun tacticool tactics.
Fucking best game
Second game was pretty good too so much quality of life game play improvements even if the British Camo was fucked and they were using G3A4s instead of L85A1/A2s in hindsight I think the Devs got rush and didn't want to animated a Bullpup style weapon.
Although more RTS the Close Combat series is pretty awesome too every of your men have a name and can carry thru an entire Operation/Campaign if you can keep them alive/injured that is.
Fucking sucks to see the company of you overran and took Son Bridge without it getting blown up to fuck by the Germans during Market Garden only to run into a Panzer Grenadier platoon and get torn to bits try to keep the Road open.
Or fighting to last man in Arnhem as British Paras trying your best to make due with PIAT launchers and AT guns and deifying the odds and holding it down until XXX Corps get there.
Fuck I got to finally start a Grand Campaign in Close Combat last stand Arnhem.
Its pretty frustrating when its obvious that the game needs a severe rebalance, but the devs dropped it when the money stopped flowing. To this day the P90 with all ROF mods is miles ahead of any other weapon in the game, since reloading isn't a thing so you end up with a 2000 dps gun firing in a constant torrent (the second best gun has a dps of about 300). Surely that was an oversight. Also find it a shame that SAS squads start with super Gucci NODs and are basically the only game to ever depict them, but they're purely aesthetic and dont do anything.
I was a top 100 in the first game, then eventually we ALL started using codebreakers and gamesharks because there was literally nothing else to do. Played 2 and 3 and that shitty "stand-alone addon" game too.
On the first game, that fucking Afghanistan level pissed me the fuck off. The one where you have to go to that camp and can't sound an alarm and then the helicopter comes for your ass and fucks you silly every single time.
red square best map
that’s the good shit senpai, could even command the other team via waypoints
Fucking hated that level like only one ever do I remember ghosting that whole thing. Just in case the rest of the squad would have M60s
Stealth did get a lot easier in Part 2 though
Also having to team up with the SAS Russian OMON was fun though
>TOC this is entry team, we have suspected faggotry itt