Obama: passes no new restrictions on guns and even allows guns in national parks and Amtrak trains

Obama: passes no new restrictions on guns and even allows guns in national parks and Amtrak trains.

Drumpf: bans bump stocks without grandfathering in the old ones.

How does it feel that Drumpf is literally more anti gun than Obama?

Attached: drumpf.jpg (1024x683, 218K)

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Down with Trump!

The power of wanting to please the media for your apporval ratings can make anyone do retarded things.

It's not that trumps more anti gun than obama, its that trump was able to actually pass anti gun shit while Obama got shut down
still though fuck Trump for this bullshit. Still better than Hillary though

Bump stocks should never have been considered "legal" under the NFA as they are clearly there to emulate full auto fire. Furthermore, no self respecting marksman or even firearm enthusiast would one of those ugly pieces of shit on their weapon. Get a good trigger and you can dump just about as fast but not have a ridiculous "zombie response squad" type of larping wannabe operator garbage attachments.

I mean shit, I've been wishing they'd get banned since Obama was in office. The fact that it took a republican to do it is hilarious and flies in the faces of liberals everywhere as far as I am concerned.

If you want full auto, repeal the NFA.

So let me get this straight: Trump screwed gun owners and you've managed to convince yourself that it's liberals who are upset about it?

Do you have to wear special headgear when you leave the house?

The executive action is not on "bump stocks" it is on "rate enhancing devices." The language is vague enough that a significantly more anti-gun administration now has the necessary regulation in place to interpret it to affect more than jump bump fire devices. Anything that "enhancing the firing rate" of a semi auto potentially falls under this regulation, which can be construed to include things like enhanced triggers and different buffers (all of which have a mechanical effect on the firing rate).

You know, I think Trump is a woefully incompetent leader too, but calling him drumpf makes you sound like a burnt out boomer. Do yourself a favor and stop the dumb name calling, it's hard to respect someone's opinion when they act like elementary school kids.

Trump is absolute shit and I voted for him. Even worse than his gun control he’s become neocon dipshit.

how many levels of fudd are you on

Didn't Obama stop saigas from being imported?


And trump banned VEPRs from being imported.

Those were economic sanctions due to the annexation of Crimea. Not defending Obummer, but it's different from an import ban and can easily be reversed if relations with Russia improved. Trump expanded the sanctions to included Molot (VEPR).

People didn't learn their lesson with Ronald Reagan.

Oh hey, who would have guessed that a New York Democrat supporter would have passed gun control legislation? I hope the idiots who gave him the primary realize how fucking stupid they are.

Honestly, I'm perfectly ok with this move. I'd rather not send my money to that moronic slav trash nation and we still get great AK rifles from Bulgaria.

NYer here. I admit I was a fan of Trump during the primary, but Rand had dropped out before the NY primary. I may still have voted for Trump even had he not, but between just Trump, Kasich and Cruz, Trump was the best choice.

>I don't like it personally so fuck this aspect of the second
>hey that's muh durr rif-

He did?!!?!?!? Fuck, I was planning on buying a vepr ak47

What's a good ak to buy? I was thinking about getting an arsenal but after watching some YouTube reviews on their wear after a few thousand rounds I'm reluctant. I was planning on getting a vepr in the future but that's apparently not happening now.

>Trump, Kasich and Cruz
I hate how it came down to that. How is it that choice has to come down between two RINOs and the Zodiac killer? Can the Republican seriously not do better than that?

>haha guys they're so fucking mad right now let's keep doing it lol y they mad
This is political discourse now, almost all positions taken out of spite with no regards to ideological consistency.

Why do you need a mattress? You can literally sleep on the floor on some blanket, why would you need an expensive bed and risk falling from it and possibly injuring yourself or your loved ones?

I mean, I ma not American, but there are tons of reasons why would you want a firearm, or the AR more specifically.

>Self defence
>Range fun
>Modifying it, some people like the technical side of guns
Now you can say that for self defence a shotgun or a handgun is better, or that you only need only a bolt action for hunting and a 22LR for range fun, but then, why isn't everyone in Europe driving Dacias and Škodas and in America Civics?


Attached: 1480887055253.jpg (750x1334, 187K)

Saved. I fucking love rabbits.

The federal government is a beast that has to be removed and replanted.
The president makes almost no difference in the grand scheme of things.

Attached: 1522896148641.jpg (420x420, 33K)

Soon after Obama took office the Sierra Club sued the Federal government about guns in national parks, and Obama ordered the government to yield, allowing gun control without ever going through the legislative process. This was only reversed by some cheeky republican who amended it to an omnibus bill the president was going to sign no matter what. He didn't "allow" anything, he tried to pass his agenda in his normal subversive manner, and after a brief win he was outmaneuvered by congress.

It's also hilarious the Obama ran guns to the cartels with the intent of undermining gun rights, and we get to look back and watch videos of them hamming it up for gun control due to violence they intentionally caused. Seem to remember a call for an "assault rifle" ban about that time as well.

tl;dr - Obama was not pro gun, he was just so incompetent that he lost ground on his gun control agenda even with a super-majority in congress.

Downies with Trump

Bbbbut Trump is better than Shillary

Well they're still legal

>obama never wanted to ban anything
He knew congress wouldn't pass anything.

>Obama ran guns to the cartels
I'm sceptical...

>What is Fast and Furious?

7n6 ban
Izhmash ban
Parts kits barrel ban
Smoke grenade ban

It the presidential order says “bump stocks”. The shit you mentioned was the AWB bill that didn’t pass.

What's to be skeptical about? We have admissions that they intentionally placed thousands of guns into the hands of cartels with zero effort put into their stated goal of tracking them. We have videos, press briefings, and memos from the Obama administration calling for stronger gun control over violence done with the arms they sent; the ATF reporting requirement in southern states is a legacy policy from this gun control push. This only came to light because their fucked up plan to curb civil rights got a USBP Agent murdered and some pissed off cops leaked what happened.

Hell, Attorney General Eric Holder was found in contempt of congress over the matter. Obama ran guns to the cartels with the intention of forcing gun control on us.